Chapter 4

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"Good morning your highness," Charles says when I walk out my door. "Your parents have requested your presence for breakfast."

I nod and yawn. I stare at the ground. There are so many things swirling through my head at the moment. From Edward to Charles, to that bad feeling in my stomach, to mother and father. I don't understand why I feel so... complicated right now. I never felt like this before the day I met Edward. Could it be that this bad feeling in my stomach is about him? No.. that's insane.. is it?

"Are you alright your highness?" Charles asks, taking me out of my thoughts. I look up at him and smile.

"I'm fine, just tired."

"Are you sure? Do you want to talk about it? I can tell your parents that you're not feeling well."

"No, it's fine. I don't want to keep them waiting."

Charles shakes his head and starts walking down the hall. I follow and stare at the walls. I've been down this hallway more times than I can count, but today it feels different, unfamiliar even. I walk next to Charles, so close that our arms are practically touching. Right now, he's the only familiar thing to me. I feel that if I stray too far from him, I'll be lost to the shadows, to the horrible world. I don't know why I'm feeling this. It's definitely wrong, because yeah he's my guard, but also because he's married, not happily, but he's still married.

"Thank you," Charles says out of nowhere. I look over at him and he coughs, his arm brushing mine accidentally, making him cough a second time "for um.. talking to me last night. I actually feel a little better."

"It's no problem, really. I like knowing what's going on in your life," I respond.

He nods. "I'll keep that in mind," he mumbles.

He moves away from me a bit when we get to the dining hall. I frown a bit and take my seat across from my mother.

"Good morning Y/N, I see you and Charles took your precious time today," Mother says, looking over at Charles, anger written all over her voice.

"It's not his fault, I got distracted this morning," I say. I try to think of a quick lie. "I stayed in bed a little too long.. thinking about Prince Edward and when our next meeting should take place."

I glance over at Charles and see him frown and look at the floor. I quickly look back at Mother, who shakes her head, smiling.

"I've never seen you get so smitten over a prince before. Could this really be the one?"

I smile but don't say anything. If the feeling in my stomach not going away.

"Let's hope so," Father says, sitting down. "Like I've said before, we're almost out of options."

I laugh uncomfortably, shrugging. "I guess I'm just picky," I say, stealing a glance at Charles, who smiles when he catches my eye. My face gets hot and I quickly look back at my parents.

"Picky is an understatement," Father says. Servants come in and place plates of food in front of me and my parents.

I thank them and watch my parents as they start eating. I'm not really hungry but I force myself to start eating.

"We've already started communicating with Edwards parents, and they're already talking about marriage," Mother says nonchalantly.

"Already?!" I almost yell, anger filling my voice. "I'm far too young for that! I barely know him!"

Mother places down her fork, her face contorting into a look of anger and disgust. "You will not yell at me, young lady! You're not too young, you're just too ignorant and stubborn to realize this is how it's supposed to be!"

"Your mother is right, we were married when we were around your age and we couldn't be any happier," Father cuts in.

"This shouldn't be that way!" I yell, standing up and slamming my hands on the table. Tears threatening to fall any second. "Marriage is a sign of love and unity, that's what you taught me. But I don't love him, and you can't force me too! I just met him! I can't love a man I just met."

Mother opens her mouth, but before she can say anything, I storm out of the room.

"Get back here young lady!" She yells after me.

But I don't stop, or go back. I walk all the way back to my room and lock the door behind me. I lay on my bed and allow those tears to flow.

After a few minutes, that seem more like hours, there's a soft knock on my door.

"Your highness, may I come in?" A voice says. "I need to talk to you."

I quickly recognize the voice as Charles'. As much as I want to just lay here and cry, I can't say no to Charles. So I get up and let him in.

He smiles when I open the door but frowns when he sees the tears that are continuously falling out of my eyes. He pushes past me and I close the door behind him.

He sits on my bed and pats the spot next to him. I hesitate for a second before sitting next to him.

He slaps his knees before talking. "Look, your-" he coughs. "Y/N, I know you don't want this, but sadly, this is the life you were born into."

I shake my head. "I know, it's just unfair!"

"You should have the right to marry whomever you want, someone you actually love, but it's your... obligation as the princess to do what's best for your kingdom." He says. He keeps avoiding eye contact with me. I notice that his wedding ring is gone.

"My parents told you to do this, right?" I ask, kind of feeling betrayed.

"They're very angry with how you acted," he says. "But I am acting of my own accord. They told me to yell at you, but I would never be able to bring myself to do so. They know that you have a soft spot for me."

My face flushes. Is it that obvious? I hope not.

"I just wish it wasn't like that," I say, sniffling.

Charles places his hand below my chin and forces me to look at him. He wipes my tears with the thumb of his opposite hand. His hand lingers on my cheek for a second before he takes it away

"Me too," he says.

"You too?" I ask. "You're not royalty."

"True, but I hate seeing how much pain it causes you."

"I've done some research on my family history and-"

"Y/N, I don't think-"

"Just shut up and listen. Apparently my great Grandfather married way beneath him, like he fell in love and married a street peasant that literally had to steal to eat."

"But that was a while ago.."

"So if I tell my parents this, then they'll have to let me-"

"With all due respect, I'm sure your father knows where his Grandmother came from."

I feel tears prick at my eyes. Charles puts his arm around my shoulder and holds me close to his chest.

"If it really means that much to you, I will help and support you to the end," He whispers.

Unable to control it any longer, I let my tears fall again. I feel so safe right now, like this is right, this is how it's meant to be.

After a few minutes of silence, Charles kisses the top of my head and stands up. I frown.

"Anyways, your highness, I should report back to your parents, tell them that I believe you learned your lesson," he says, turning on his heel.

"Do you have to go?" I ask.

"Y/N, imagine if someone were to walk in, they would most certainly take it the wrong way. That'd probably be the last time you see me. I can't lose my job," he raises his left hand a bit. "It's the only thing I have left."

I open my mouth to speak, but he's gone. There's a tug in my heart, I wish it didn't have to be like this. That him comforting me could be taken the wrong way. I just want to be happy. I just want him to be happy.

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