you did- what?!

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The next day
._. ._. ._.

Its the same as everyday im finally starting to get used to this place, Aka the dancing studio. Me and max pretty much have the hang on the whole dance since we practiced alot yesterday and i still cant believe he liked me.. ON top of that he pecked (kissed) me yesterday🙇 I just really hope kenna doesn't find out.. The last thing i need is for kenna to kick me off of the team.. Since she has the "right" to if she wanted, anytime. Speaking of the crazy bully here she is now; "Hi kenzly, i got your partners switched!" She says smiling extra HARD like EXTRA. "Yeah i know you did, Im not worried about that though." I say. "You're what? Youre not?" "Nope, im worried about who it is." "Oh.. Youll be well over happy" she says. "Who is it?" I say rolling my eyes. "Sam Frany" she says busting out laughing. "What! No" i say. "Yes wayyy , you guys would be so cute.. I tot's ship!" She says. "Kenna! I swear if you dont switch my partner-" i say "THEN youll do what?" She puts her thin hands on her hips and smirks at me. "Ill..... Ill quit!" I say instantly regretting what i just said. "You'll quit, You'll quit" she repeats herself and laughs. "Lol, that would be a happy moment for me, go ahead and walk away" she says motioning her hand to the door as if shes letting me inside of a royal ball or a dance concert. "I. HATE. YOU!" i say. "And ive been told!" She says. "And you still dont get it? I really with no regrets hate you! All you do is laugh and ruin my days everyday there's something you do that destroys my day, Theres always something wrong with my dancing.. Im always missing something.. And you always find a reason to threaten me! Im so tired of hearing your stupid talk, if you are going to kick me off of the whole team.. Then why dont you do it! " i say. She looks with such a very blank expression then snaps back into her reality. "DONT YELL AT ME! OMG" she pushes me back. " ENOUGH!" i yell. She pushes me again. "I SAID ENOUGH" i say pushing her back", for the 1st time in forever im not going to let you continue putting your disgusting hands on me!"
Kenna sits there in embarrassment even though no one is paying attention. "I-" she starts to talk. "Lemme finish that for you.. I kissed your boyfriend." I say. "You did... What?!" "Thats right and he does not like you, according to max you forced him into dating you and you always tell him that you'll get him tooken off of the team if he doesnt do what you want him to do.. You though i would never find out! All the signs are there kenna everyone knows you always try to get your way.. Everyone knows!" "Not everyone, and i ough to kill you for kissing my boy-friend" " Ha, he isnt really yours anymore if u ask me.." I say smiling. She grabs my hair and pulls it VERY hard, "GET, LET GO OF ME!" I YeLl. I do the same to her and now we are just holding eachothers hair. "This is for kissing my boyfriend." Kenna says as she pulls my hair and i drop hers because of the pain. "Ow!"
I cry. I cover my little face with my hands as i try to hold in the tears. Before i know it im thrown to the ground by my ponytail. My face is still covered. I cant see but i can definantly feel kenna's fist against my face.
I block her punches to my face with my hands and arms and she gets frustrated and pulls me up by my ponytail and slangs me back down. Am i really getting beat up by kenna right now? After everything she has done and this is how i give her a taste of her own med? Am i really this sad of a baby?
She's right.. I am a baby, im a very weak baby.

But she's not right


I grab her shirt the best as i can, im doing good for someone who has their face covered up protected by their hands.
Lots of people rush over, the girls watch in shock. "Wheres the coach!" "Someone get her mother?" They yell. I dont know how but i managed to get kenna down and now i am on top of her. " This is for everything you've done!" "NEVER (HIT) BULLY (HIT) HIT (HIT) CUT MY HAIR(HIT) STEAL MY BESTFRIEND (HIT) TAKE MY CRUSH (HIT) OR TAKE AWAY MY PARTNER (HIT) DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"
"kenzly!" My mom yells. My alarm goes off it's 7 in the morning. "Were you having a bad dream, you was throwing punches in the air in your sleep hunny."  My mom says.
"Oh, umm no its wasn't a bad dream mommy." In fact it was a good dream, i beat up my bully. Wait! So was the kiss a real part? " hey Mom, did we go to maxs house yesterday?" I ask her concerned. "Yes we did" she says. "Yes!!!!!!!!!xd&!_!."
"Excuse me?" She says. "Oh sorry i just though about my um... Furry pet and i lost him last night and i know where it is now?" I lie to my mom. " oh great, because i was starting to get a little worried!" My mom says. " no big e" i say smiling. "Well get ready! Practice is in an hour and today is you guys last practice for the senorita dance. The coach postponed the finals so she will be choosing who's going to do the group solo today." My mom says walking out of my room. Finals? Group- solo? Last day to practice? (Hotel? Travago?
Sorry guys i had to do it)

As soon as i get into the dance place, kenna walks up to me. "Ew, ugly costume"
"You mean outfit" i say. "Dont correct me i am the boss." "The coach is the boss" "well im captain" "well i really hope that one day someone impeaches you as captain just like they did donald trump." I say. "Excuse me?" She walks up to me even closer than she was before. "You heard me... Who knows maybe i will be the girl to overthrow you and ill take your crown, my pleasure." "Ha!" She says and starts laughing non-stop. "Its funny because you can even compete! Youre not as good as i am at dancing.. Youre not as flexible nor as pretty as me.. And you most definantly aren't more prettier." I look down. " well at least im not a back stabbing, bully. And i dont cheat on my boyfriend with my enemy's boyfriend." I say not even realizing what i said about jentzen! " Excuse me, you and jentzen are dating?" She says. "Kenzly?" Max comes up to me. "Max! Hi! Come to me!" "Why are you speaking to him like he's a dog?" I say. "He's my boyfriend and i can talk to him however i want." "Thats why be broke up with you" i said. "Wh- max?" Kenna says. "Kenzly! Max says. " Why didnt you just tell me you were dating jentzen." Max looks mad. But more sad, " Max i- i didnt mean to say that.. It was a-"
"Secret? It was a secret that you kept away from me and you waited until i told you i liked you to go behind my back and finally spit the truth out?" "Well i-...  See when we kissed i-" "KENZLY! HOW. DARE. YOU!." Kenna pushes me and i fall flat to the ground. "Thats enough!" I say getting up and pushing her back making her fall into the foam mat wall thingy. Max looks at the two of us and is completely frozen.

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