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"DANG THIS MUSEUM SURE IS CLASSY." I mumble as I exit the dressing room. "I don't understand why the heck we need to wear things like this if we only here for viewing." Crossing my arms I stare at the three colored childhood friend of mine. "Will... they say it's make the viewing more cool or felt by us?" Yagi Muto answer as he rub the back of his neck. "But do they made mistake by giving you gladiator custom?" he point at the custom the stuff give me with the weird golden pocket watch with an eye in its cover and a box full of cards, though I hide that to my bag.

"tks. They basically mistook my gender again." I uncrossed my hand before looking at the place, somehow this place remind of a distance dream. "Agh, this why I don't like going to museum." I walk toward my friend and we start to walk to the whole group.

My name is Hunter De Veil. Just entering high school after two years of self-study. Will I'm not late for my study or anything but the truth is I was reported missing for two and haft years and only found unconscious in another country, in the border line of Egypt. Weird right? Will that's not the only thing because after waking up, I can't remember anything that happen in the last missing two and haft years of my life, I don't even remember who I was at first. I meet Yugi after being lock up by my parents inside the house.


"Hmm, freedom at last." I mumble as I walk toward the mini mart to buy ice cream. But on my way I saw something familiar and I don't know what come to me to make me run toward it and I found a boy in my age running toward a gaming store.

"kame game' huh?" I mumble entering the shop as well. "Oh! A customer! " an old man cheer after I enter, I look at the person and I felt my head arching and I saw a similar figure but wearing deferent cloths but the image disappear as it appear. "Agh...." I hold my throbbing head as I close my eyes from aftershock of that illusion cause me. "Are you ok?!" I heard a young boy voice. "Yeah—"I look up and saw ruby eyes but when I blink it become lavender one. "Agh...oh—I'm fine don't worry." I mumble to the worried three colored haired boy.

"Maybe my body just shock after a long time without a taste of freedom." I mumble to him giving him a reassuring smile. "Oh! Ok... what can I help with you customer?" he also smiled as he offer me a hand. "Can you show me one of your Gameboy?" I ask. "Sure! We have plenty of Gameboy brand and games for it to choice from!" the old man says with the same smile the boy had said as they both lead me to the Gameboy section.

That day was the fateful day I meet the boy name Yugi Muto.


"—ter! Hunter!" I snap out of my thoughts when I saw the worried Yugi waving his hand in front of me. "Are you ok?" I saw concern flash to his panda eyes that made me realize I'm zoning out to much those days. "Ah, I just remember about our first meeting that's all." I blurted the truth. "Oh... that's remind me how you always seems sensitive at the first few days after meeting." he close his eyes like remembering it. "I'm not sensitive, I keep getting headache every time I see you or your grandpa." I look at the painting in the wall. "Ehh why?" he seems to pout and slightly offended by it. "I never really told you anything about my past right? –Can mummy wear designer style bandage for mummification?" I look at the mummy case at the side.

"Will yeah but I respect your privacy, hunter. –OH, I think they can if the designer can make great bandage design" He utter as he also look at the mummy case. "In second grade I disappear in thin air and after two and haft year I appear in another country found by some kind people." I walk toward the ruin in the wall and saw how those symbol somehow make sense and somehow don't. "What!? How did you disappear like that?" he fallowed me along my viewing. "I don't know, I can't remember. Will I don't remember what happen after being found? –How did the ancient people even draw this?" I trace the mark in the broken wall that they got from Egypt. "That's really weird then... and sound cool! I don't think you suppose to touch that." he grab my hand stopping it from touching the display that clearly have a sign that sigh 'do not touch' and drag me away.

"You know what's more weird? –Look an illuminati item." I point at the drawing at the wall. "What? –that's ancient item you know~ millennium treasure~! "Yugi beam as he also look at the painting. " I think that you're connected to my missing memory, Yugi." I mumble before I look at Yugi who stare at me with wide eyes. "But I'm not sure how." I added before he can even ask something. "I'm hungry, let's go to the canteen and eat." I then dragged him to the food stand.

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