In which the reunion that happen after a millennium come unexpectedly

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"SO HAVE YOU SOLVE that puzzle of your now?" I ask Yugi as I sat in his bed and look at him focusing in that illuminati puzzle of his. "Not yet...but I'm sure I'm going to get that wish for I'm going to finish this puzzle, Hunter!" my little panda friend beam.

"Your wish...huh."


"I know you will solve it Yugi. Cause I believe in you." I told him as I hug his pillow.

"Oh that's right, I'm going to out of the country for a while." I mumble as I yawn. I heard something fall and I open my droopy eyes to see Yugi looking at me shocked. "You're...leaving?" he mumble sadly.

"I'm parents thought that they need to keep an eye on me for the rest of my year—maybe I'll return every break to spend here." I know his sad because I'm going to leave again and this might be for a long time.

"Don't worry Yugi if the world was ever be danger and you need my help to save it I'll return and help you..."I joked.

"That's not funny, Hunter." He sweat drop and I tched when my joke come out serious again.

"But we can still chat through internet." I tried to change the topic. "Oh yeah we can! But playing games over the screen is not fan like how we play face to face!" he commented as he pout.

"Games huh?" I mumble as I yawn again. "Yugi you love games so much, maybe that's why you become his ... and the king of games...someday." My eyes glow sun golden hoe as it flatter from sleepiness. No one notice it, but Yugi Muto thought about what you said.

"Good night Hunter." He look at the puzzle.


[THIRD: fast forward when Yugi finish his puzzle and Yami Yugi come to be. Meet his group.]

"YUGI I DONT KNOW YOU HAVE A FOREIGN friend coming home." Joey Wheeler says as he wait with his group in the airport, Yugi Muto the champion of Duel monsters, through it was with the help of his other self, Yami Yugi. "Yes! I receive text from hunter last night that she's going to come home and her plane arrival!" the small tri colored haired teen beam as he reply to his blonde friend who hummed in response. "Eh it's a girl?! Dang Yugi you have many—"Joey don't even finish his words when the sound of hills echo around the airport, they all stared at the direction where it come from and saw an androgynous teen with long ginger hair that was tied in a long braid that almost reach the floor, that person was wearing black Chinese male cloths [look like kumai from gintama] and has a umbrella to pair it. That person was tall—almost tall as Seto and the charisma around them was booming that made almost everyone make way for them.

"Wow...that person sure is eye catcher—""HUNTER!" the group who stared with bulging eyes as the small panda run toward that person and hug her. "Oh! How's it going Yugi!?" Hunter de veil hugged her childhood friend back with the same amount of missing. "I thought you said you're going to visit every break?" "Sorry panda! I was busy to finish all my study in those time so I can freely come here after." The two part and Yugi lead Hunter to his group of friends. Bakura stared shocked as he gaze at the new comer—no it was Yami Bakura who stared at her with recognition and realization. His hair perks up. "you..." he mumble darkly and Hunter stared at the albino slowly and her blue contact that hide her golden hoe widen yet it was merely split of second before it was covered with foreign confuse and oblivious gaze. "Yes?" tilting her head Bakura can't help but remember someone, someone he expect to be gone. "Do you know her Bakura?" Thea asked confuse to why Bakura have a sudden change of attitude. Realize he have resurface from his vessel he pretend to be the usual Ryuu. "No it's nothing." His British accent lace his curiosity at the androgynous fellow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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