Chapter One

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Meliodas POV

I've been in my room for the past six days. Ever since Elizabeth said yes to being my girlfriend, my demon has been scratching at the cage I keep it trapped in. Let me out! No! I can't do that! Why not? You'll only hurt Elizabeth! Ugh... I don't know how much longer I can hold it back!

Elizabeth: Meliodas? Are you in there?

Oh crap! It's Elizabeth! What am I gonna do now?

Elizabeth: Uh.. I just... Wanted to know if... You're mad at me? If so, please tell me what I did...

Elizabeth POV

I've been so scared... Meliodas hasn't come out of his room in six days... I keep wondering if I did anything wrong, if so, what could that've been? Before I could say anything else, the door to Meliodas' bedroom opened. He peeked out, I could see that he had bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in a while.

Meliodas: I'm not mad at you Ellie... I just... Don't want to hurt you...

I stared at him shocked from this statement. As I was about to answer him, he fell to his knees crying. Meliodas was CRYING!?

Elizabeth: Meliodas!

I felt a hot tear fall down my cheek as I felt his body go limp in my arms


I squeezed Meliodas close to my chest as I heard footsteps tumbling towards the room. When Ban, King, Diane, and Elaine tumbled through the doorway, they just stared at their feared captain, helpless in my arms. King ran over to us and searched Meliodas' body for any wounds.

King: I don't understand! What's happening!?

We all just stared at Meliodas confused at what was happening. As King got up from Meliodas' side, we heard the tavern door open. Ban and Elaine quickly ran downstairs.



???: Quiet fool!

We heard footsteps soon after all the commotion, they were heading right toward us. I Heald my breath in fear and held Meliodas even tighter. I looked at King for help, but he was curled up, staring at the door.

King: Thi- This presence... It-

The door was broken down and a large horned man walked through.

???: I'll be taking Meliodas.

Elizabeth: NO!!!

???: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Meliodas father. I need to take Meliodas before mating season starts.

Elizabeth: Before w-what?

Meliodas' father: Mating season. You see, his demon side has decided that you're his mate! So... Unless you want to get smashed by a demon, I would hand him over.

Elizabeth: N-no...

Meliodas' father: Fine. I was hoping this wouldn't happen, but, I was sworn to leave you no harm... UGH! You really get on my nerves!

Just like that, Meliodas' father disappeared.

Elizabeth: OH NO! HE TOOK HIM WITH HIM!!!!

Author's note

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this knew series! If you do, make sure to vote for this chapter! Thanks so much!

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