Elizabeth POV
Why? Why did they he take Meliodas? What do I do? Meliodas is... He's missing! I ran out of the room with tears rolling down my cheek. I need to find him! I need to find Meliodas!
Meliodas POV
I woke up in some strange prison... I am so confused about what the hell's going on! As I sat up, I heard foot steps walk in the room. I looked up and saw the man I hated the most!
Meliodas' Father: Hello son.
Meliodas: Demon King...
Meliodas' Father: Now now, don't give me that! I saved your little girlfriend from you!
Meliodas: Send me back... NOW!
I could feel my demon side awakening but.... I didn't stop it, I let it take control. If I hadn't done so, maybe I'd be able to go home but... Now I'm stuck. You see, after my demon fully takes over, there is no escape, I can't regain control...
Meliodas: Hello Father. *Chuckle* That boy had me trapped in there for way to long!
Meliodas' Father: Ahhh, there's the son I know and don't really love.
Two years later, at the tavern
Elaine POVI feel so bad for Elizabeth... She's been so down ever since Meliodas disappeared. I wonder what happened to them. I began wiping down the table when we all heard a loud crash outside.
Elizabeth: What was that?
Elizabeth ran outside like nobody's business. I followed soon after. When we all got outside, we saw a short boy with a green cloak over his head, he was fighting a... A... A demon? The demon's darkness formed into wings that lifted it off the ground. The small boy just stared for a second before taking off his cloak, He had bright blonde hair. Just as we were about to see his face, he too grew wings of darkness and soared into the sky. Before anyone could say anything, the demon crashed into the ground. The boy soon flew down and stood over him.
???: Hah! I beat you again Zeldris!
Zeldris: Yeah yeah, whatever...
Elizabeth*whisper*: I know that voice...
I stared at Elizabeth before I looked back at the boy and realized who exactly was standing there!
The boy slowly turned around, his dark onyx eyes turned to an emerald shade of green. He stood shocked before calling to his knees, he looked down letting his hair cover his eyes. I was almost positive I saw a tear fall to the ground before he passed out cold.
Author's note
Hi friends! Thanks so much for reading my story, make sure to comment what you'd like to see in future chapters!

FanfictionThis story takes place after season three! The ten commandments are still out there! What will Meliodas and Elizabeth do about their new.....