Chapter 1. The Day

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(Word count: 1109)

'I love you (Y/n)' 

Those were the last words the boy said before he went missing. (Y/n) cried when he texted her those specific words. The girl tried looking for the boy several times, but got yelled at by her parents every time she came home from doing so. After awhile she gave up, thinking that he had died. 

"Hey dumbass! You got into U.A? So did I," the ash blond boy asked as he walked over to her. (Y/n) closed her locker door and looked at the boy.

"Yeah, I did..." she smiled slightly.

"Are you still thinking about that damn nerd Deku?" You could tell he was annoyed by the sound of his voice.

"Yeah... sorry I know you told me not to worry, Katsuki." She flung her backpack over her shoulder, holding onto the strap that was wrapped over her arm. She started to walk, the boy walking beside her.

"That damn nerd doesn't need to be in U.A, anyways, (Y/n). He's a quirkless loser, why would they accept him when they could have people like us." (Y/n) was now annoyed.

"Katsuki, I don't think I showed you...." (Y/n) pulled out her phone and went to Izuku and her's conversation. She showed him the last message Izuku texted before he went missing.

The message 'I love you'  kinda pissed off Katsuki. He gave her her phone back and 'tched'. 

"That damn nerd really texted you that?" (Y/n) nodded as she put her phone back into her pocket.

"Honestly I wanted to reply back, but before I could, I fell asleep. I wish I would've replied, but I was such and idiot!" Her eyes started to water, she felt a arm wrap around her, Bakugo wasn't much of a comforter, but (Y/n) was the only acceptation. (Y/n) cried into the boy's chest.

"Your not an idiot, (Y/n)" Bakugo sighed, "Just forget about that damn nerd, delete his number, ok?" (Y/n) lifted her head away from his chest and wiped her eyes.

"Fine..." she took out her phone and went to her contacts, she deleted Izuku's number. She put her phone back into her pocket and they continued to walk home. 

- Time Skip - 

"See ya next week Katsuki!" She waved goodbye to Katsuki, he waved back as she entered her home. Katsuki walked home, he smiled slightly, now thinking 'What if she likes me?'  he quickly shook his head, knowing that wasn't true.

"Hey mum, dad!" (Y/n) walked into the kitchen where her parents were.

"Hey sweetie, how was your last day of school?" Her dad asked as he sipped his coffee.

"Pretty good, actually, Katsuki helped me today, he cheered me up." She had a tint of blush on her face.

"That's surprising, isn't he usually the one that's bullying everyone?" Her mother asked.

"Yeaaaaahhhhh, but he was different this time." Her parents laughed.

"Do you have a crush on the boy?" Her face turned more red.

"W-why do you ask?" She gulped.

"Because you slur your words when you like someone, plus your face is red." Her dad explained.

"W-well..... Yes ok I do like him! But what's the matter with that?" She rubbed her arm.

"Nothing, nothing! Nothing's wrong with you liking the boy, we just thought you liked that Midoriya kid that's all!" Her mom said.

"Yeah.... I did actually, but anyways. I'm gonna be in my room, ok? So please don't bother me until dinner is ready." (Y/n) headed to her room with a bag filled with chips. She reached her room and closed the door, she sat at her work desk and pulled out a sketch book, she started sketching Izuku. Her eyes teared up a bit, but she wiped them away and went to her bed. She plopped down on her bed, she slowly drifted off to sleep.

- The dream -

(Y/n) was tied up in a chair, the dark room was lit when the room door opened. In front of the door way was a tall boy around 5'7-5'8. He was wearing a plain green dress shirt with a black vest over it. The tie was tied neatly around his neck and it was tucked under the vest. The boy walked in, closing the door behind him and turning on the light that was right of (Y/n). It was light enough to see the boy's face. The girl tried speaking, but there was a piece of cloth over her mouth. 

"It's good to see you again, my dear (Y/n)~" The boy spoke with a smirk on his face. (Y/n) felt a hot stream run down her cheeks. "I missed you so much... I thought I was going to die, but then you showed up, isn't it exciting?! You finally get to see your old friend again!" He laughed in excitement. He finally moved the cloth off the females mouth.

"I-Izuku?!" She yelled out as soon as the cloth was removed. The boy smiled as he heard his name come out of (Y/n)'s mouth. The boy cupped her cheeks with his glove-covered hands. (Y/n) could feel her face heat up as he moved closer to her face. Izuku wiped her tears away before he moved closer to her lips, he kissed her passionately. His lips were soft against her's. He pulled away.

"What? Not gonna kiss back?" He groaned as he heard no reply. "Ya know it's considered rude when you don't answer a question, especially when I'm asking it." He was getting a bit angry, but she still wouldn't reply.

- After dream -

(Y/n) quickly shot up. She started crying, she cried out Izuku's name several times until her parents came rushing into her room.

"Shh shh it's ok (Y/n)" her parents comforted her as she cried into her mother's chest. Her parents asked for her to explain what happened several times, but she didn't answer.

"Want me to invite Katsuki over so he can comfort you?" Her dad asked, but she only nodded in response. Her dad grabbed her phone and looked through her contacts, he found Bakugo's number and called it. He walked out of the room.

"Hey Katsuki, this is (F/n), (Y/n)'s father, she just woke up from a nap and she had a nightmare, we can't really calm her down at the moment, so do you mind coming over to comfort her?" Her father asked kindly.

"Yeah sure, I'll be over in 5 minutes ok?" Bakugo sounded worried, he hung up and put his shoes on, he ran out the front door without telling his parents where he was going.

(To be continued! Sorry to leave off like this, but I'll write part two tomorrow! Bye bye for now!)

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