Smaug's rage bellowed high
The mountain shook beneath the sky
There was a quiet theif
In the mountain where he was cheif
The Dragon swore the theif would die
Bilbo scurried through the hall
In the dark he heard the dwarves call
His loot he had snatched
And had escaped un-catched
He had made it back without a fall
But the burglars luck did not hold true
With quake of the mountain, they all knew
The angered beast
Would seek a feast
And over to the Laketown the Dragon flew
The Dragon flew over the town
His searing fire raining down
The men ran scared
Smaug's match unpaired
His head alone bears the mountains crown
Throin looked out over the smoking Dale
He saw the Dragon, his face went pale
The lake shone red
As fire spread
Raging in its own sad tale
Bilbo looked out and saw this too
His face hardened, then he knew
This ventures jest
Put strong men to rest
In his mind, a planned peace he drew
Then a shriek wrent the sky
Thorin heard it, t'was the dragon's cry
An arrow sang out
Smaug's light went out
May on this day the Dragon die
Smaug's Demise
PertualanganPoem detailing Smaugs death and the actions and feelings going on at the same time of Thorin and Bilbo