Ch. 34

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A week and a half passed by and it was the following Friday, the night of the full moon. Hermione's stomach was in knots as she landed in front of Draco's manor immediately after leaving the Ministry, and as she stared up at the large building she hesitated before swallowing the lump in her throat and walking inside.

She immediately went down to the cellar where she saw Draco pacing anxiously on the other side of the bars, while Blaise and the two men she recognized as the men that were in Draco's office the previous week were quietly speaking to each other in the right corner.

Draco looked up at the sound of her walking down the stairs and immediately perked up, but pulled back as he remembered the gravity of the situation.

"Hi," Hermione said quietly as she gripped one of the bars of the cage. "Are you okay?"

Draco scoffed slightly before taking a deep breath. "I suppose. About as okay as I can be with everyone here."

He glared towards the two men who were conveniently ignoring the blond and Draco growled quietly to himself, something that didn't pass Hermione.

"So when are you supposed to take this potion?" Hermione asked in an attempt to distract him.

Looking down at his watch, Draco said, "Soon. The sun went down around six-twenty so they wanted to wait until it fully went down. They said around I'll take it around seven."

He resumed his pacing as Hermione watched sadly before Blaise subtly pulled her aside. "Remember, he's moody every full moon regardless of who it is that he's talking to."

"I know," She replied quietly.

She heard the cellar door open again and when the red head appeared, Hermione looked over to Blaise and exclaimed, "No, absolutely not!

"What?" Ginny asked as she stopped at the base of the stairs, looking between Hermione and Blaise in confusion.

"Gin, no." Hermione shook her head before pointing back up the stairs. "Ginny, I can't have you here during this."

"Well I can't have you here taking on a full werewolf by yourself," Ginny rebutted, crossing her arms against her chest.

"What? What am I, chopped liver?" Blaise asked with a face of hurt and confusion.

"No sweetheart," Ginny said before walking over to him and kissing his cheek. "I'm just a control freak who needs to be there when my best friend is possibly risking her life to help her boyfriend find a cure."

Draco narrowed his eyes at Ginny before looking at Hermione, who didn't even so much as falter as she said, "Ginny, when I told you about this, it was just supposed to stay between us."

"Great, more people to leak about the possible cure," Draco muttered to himself as he continued to pace in the makeshift cell.

Hermione sighed and said, "Draco, Ginny is the last person on this planet who would say anything about this and if anything she is another person to help if things go badly. As much as I would rather her not be put in harm's way and be here, I trust her to keep quiet about this more than I do Blaise."

"Hey!" Blaise exclaimed with an offended look.

Putting a hand up, Hermione went on to say, "And you've been doing a wonderful job of making sure no one finds out about Draco as well as this project. So for me to trust Ginny to do better than you at keeping things quiet...?"

He was silent for a moment before his eyes went wide. "Oh!"

"There we go," Hermione said with a slight laugh before she looked back at Draco with a solemn expression. "Please don't be mad at me; she was probably going to find out sooner or later about this and like I said, she's another person to help just in case."

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