Year 2, chapter 6. Record timing

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Well how do I put this, first a house-elf shows up in my brother's bedroom trying to stop us from going to Hogwarts. The train platform 9 3/4 Entrance was blocked. Ron thought it was a good idea to ride in his dad enchanted car all the way to Hogwarts, almost getting us killed by a train thank you. And Harry almost falling out of the blasted thing.

And last but not least we nearly get killed by a tree, clearly somebody doesn't want my brother and I hear this year, besides that dopey elf.

It must mean it's just another year at Hogwarts, which honestly both Harry and I waited forever to return home. As I, Ron, and Harry climb the steps our luck got even worse. Mr. Filtch was standing by the entrance to the great hall. He is staring at us like we're pieces of meat.
"Oh dear they are in trouble."

We are then being escorted to Professor Snape's office, And I can see the look of fear on Harry and Ron's face. I smile to myself, of course I know I am in trouble, I'm just not afraid of the consequences.

When we entered his office, It was the very definition of a haunted house. Jars lying about with what content I don't even wanna think about at this moment. Even the bloody fireplace wasn't lit, somebody's in rare form. Or maybe I should say normal form for Professor Snappy-Pants.

I see Snape is tapping his fingers on his desk. While holding a section of the Daly Profit in front of his face, I noticed it had the Weasley's enchanted Ford Angela on it. We are doomed, I thought as I bite my lip.

"So..." Snape said softly.
"The train isn't good enough for the famous Potter twins, and their faithful sidekick Weasley. Wanted to arrive with a bang, did we, boys and girls?"
"Actually it's just a girl," Ron said with actual seriousness. I can't tell
Snape's facial expression, but I pretty good feeling it's not good. "Think your funny Weasley, 20 points taken from Gryffindor."

I honestly was going to say the same thing, but I'm kinda glad Ron beat me to it this time.
Then Snape slams the newspaper on the desk with such force, I thought his table was going to break.

"You were seen by no-less then seven muggles, do you have any idea how serious this is."
He glares at me for a second, then averts his gaze over to Harry.
"You have risked the exposure of our world, not to mention the damage you have inflicted on a whomping willow that's been on these grounds before you were born."

"Honestly professor Snape I think it did more damage to us."
I can see I'm not the only one who can't keep there trap shut.
"Silence," Snape said in a very low growl as he gets up from his seat. "If you were in Slytherin and your fate rested with me... both of you would be on the train home...tonight, as it is "

I look at my feet, trying to avoid the cold and deadly glare of Snape, for once he has brought fear inside my bones. But not for him or of him, but for the boys. And I kind of wanted to stick up for Harry and the Weasley boy named Ron. But I kept my mouth shut because I promised Snape I would be more respectful.

That's when the Headmaster came to save the day for Harry and Ron, as well as professor McGonagall who makes the final decision for them. I however have a gut feeling, instead of my intuition this time. That I am going back to the Dursley's.

The chaps left, along with Professor McGonagall. Leaving me, Professor Snape, and headmaster Dumbledore.
"Severus, I highly recommend not expelling Miss Rosabel Potter." Then he left  After that lovely comment. Now I'm left alone, with the grumpy one.

"I already know you made your decision, I'll go and pack my bags straight away." There was no point in arguing with Snape, once he made his mind up good luck changing it.
"What? no snarky comment? I am at a shock that your tongue is tamed, I remember just yesterday that you were you're full of them."
The sarcasm in his voice was undeniable.

"Well Professor I did promise you respect this year."
He sneers. " You've already broken that promise, besides its not in your nature to shut your trap." I glare at, how dare he question my honor, I may be but a girl of 12 but I certainly know the meaning of a promise.
"I haven't even been here an hour you can't possibly say that I've broken any promises."

"You are a naïve little thing aren't you, daft as you brother, I could've sworn there was something intelligent about you. Apparently I was mistaken." He took in a deep breath trying to calm himself.
"You broke your promise the moment you rode in that ridiculous car with the Weasley boy, in doing so lacking the respect of our rules, and the people fighting to keep our secret hidden."
Oh so my promise to him, applies to everyone else. How convenient for Snappy-Pants.

"Actually if I recall precisely Professor, I made a promise to be respectful to you, not anyone else but you, and therefore I have kept my promise."
A sly, if not odious smirk appears on his face. "You failed at that too, by talking back to me your professor."

He sighs, giving me a cold-hard stare, but he should know by now it will never faze me.
"Miss Potter, I honestly never expected you could keep such a promise, it's not who you are you are."

I woke up closer to him, curious about who he thinks I am, when I don't even know myself. "What am I than Professor?"
His face softens an unusual look for him, in fact I would say it's the most rarest sight in the world.

"You are...." he pauses and stares at me such fascination yet there's more. Something I can't quite put my finger on. Then out of the blue, his face hardens and a scowl appears on his handsome features. I know it to be true that this touching moment is over. 

"You're just like your father, he could never keep his useless mouth in check, even when he got detention for a month. Which is what is going to happen to you Miss Potter. Now get out of my office and head to your dorm, before I take points from  Slytherin for being out of bed."
He didn't yell this, but his deep firm voice, felt like poison.

"I would like nothing more professor, please have a good night, and sleep well. Classes start early for second years tomorrow." Without hesitation I make my way out of the room.
This wasn't the first time Snape compared me to my father.
In fact he is the only one to compare to my father, I've only been compared to mother.
A Mother I don't even remember.

I shake my head of such useless thoughts and focus on what tomorrow will bring hopefully more knowledge. And seeing professor Snape, I hope he will not ruin my day. No, I will not let it because I will show him that I am the best of all the second-year students.
If not all the students in the school. I want to make him proud, and of course myself.
And that's a challenge, but it is a
challenge I accept.

End of year 2, chapter 6. Record timing.

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