Year 4, Chapter 16. Only Scarface.

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I'm still reliving the events that happened at the Quidditch World Cup. The screams, the fire, and the dark mark. I feel as if Harry playing it cool. Because honestly he is too calm in my opinion.

But my intuition says that's all about the change. First and as of now Hogwarts is home to other magical schools. Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute.
And this is because of the Triwizard tournament.

Second, we have a new DADA teacher Alastor Moody, who was once apart of the Aurors. Dark magic hunters, the best of the best. He already seems a little mad. But I guess we have to wait and see.

Today is the day the goblet of fire will choose three wizards of each school. But there is a problem only wizards of the age of 17 can enter. This pisses me off because I don't need to be 17 years old to be able to handle any challenge.
I have proven that time and time again. But the ministry of magic says no.

Ivory pulls my robe. "How are you holding up?"
I smile but it certainly wasn't a confident one. Knowing her she didn't by into it.
"How dare you lie to me."
I sigh. "I'm not lying, I just don't want to talk about it."
Ivory crosses her arms over her chest. "It's better to let things out, then keep things bottled in."
I nod in agreement, she has a point. However I don't feel like listening to anyone's advice.

when the lights go dim and Dumbledore does a very long speech.
"It is time to choose."
Finally, I thought I was growing cobwebs over here. The fire turns purple for a second shooting out a name. "The champion from Durmstrang Institute Viktor Krum." The fire shoots out another name.
"The champion of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Fleur Delacour."

The goblet shoots out the last champion.
"And last but not least the Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory." I dreamingly watch as one the most handsome man in Hogwarts goes up to the stand.
"I think the whole building shook on that one, " Ivory said sarcastically. I nodded in agreement.

My eyes widen, The goblet starts going crazy. Blue fire shooting out of it, going every which way.
Till a single piece of paper falls in Dumbledore's hands.
"Harry Potter," Dumbledore says Softly.

My mouth hits the floor. Of course my brother is involved in this, if there's ever any conflict going down in Hogwarts. he is the thick of it, and I bet he probably wants eternal glory, fame and whatever else comes with winning the god damn thing.

Harry walks slowly up, I can't take it anymore I stand up and block his path.
"Of course your name would pop up Harry, you're the chosen one."
I punch him in the arm, "And I am nothing in everyone's eyes.
Mark my word one day you all will be sorry." That's when I felt hands on my shoulders.

They were so stiff that I couldn't turn around. I felt a cool breath whisper in my ear.
"Not now, head back to your seat." By how deep and velvety the voice was I knew it was Snape. I didn't bother turning to look at him. I was too busy giving the death glare to my brother as I walked back to my seat.

I sit furiously on the bench, Ivory looks pretty concerned at the moment.
" I know I asked you once tonight, but are you all right?"
I face Ivory, a horribly sarcastic smile appears on my face, "No Ivory, I'm not all right."

I scoff, "My brother always proving himself, always considered the best. Nobody ever thinks that I can do it." Ivory frowns then pulls me close, and wraps her arms around me.
"I believe in you." I hug her tighter as my eyes water. "Thanks, Ivory."

Then Professor Snape appears in front of use. "Feeling sentimental now are we, Miss Potter." I push Ivory away, and stare at Snape. Dare I say he is looking fine tonight. I shake my head. Focus Rosabel.

"I need a word with Miss Potter."
I nod, "Yes sir." I stand up and say goodbye to Ivory. He then leads me to his office in the Dungeons.
Where he pulls up a chair with his wand. I sit down and cross my arms.

"let me guess, I'm here because I roasted my pathetic brother."
He sneers. " I wonder how you came to that conclusion Miss Potter," He said sarcastically.
"Very funny so what's my punishment, besides cleaning cauldrons if I have to clean another cauldron I swear..."
He puts a finger on my lips, a gesture I didn't see coming.

"I'm afraid it's worse, Dumbledore has asked me to watch over you, your last words were concerning."
I roll my eyes. "Seriously you think that's worse than cleaning cauldrons, but I suppose the cleaning cauldrons doesn't apply to you. But for me this is easy."

"But besides that why is everyone concerned about what I said."
He looks at me deeply, like I'm some kind of an enigma, nobody has ever looked at me like this before. I kind of like it.
"You sounded like the dark lord, and people are suspicious.
I think however you're just being ignorant."

I frown. "Why would anybody think that." He turns away from me.
"Because they don't know you. Because the dark mark lingers in the sky, and everybody is wary." There is poison in those words. But not for me, for the fools to think such things of I.

"They are fools." I spat in anger.
"Indeed." He said as we sat in silence for a few minutes.
I'm not upset with this part of the outcome tonight. I like being around Snappy-Pants always have and probably always will. However let's just hope in coming future he can calm me down when I see my brother again and his stupid scarface bullshite.

End of year 4, chapter 16. Only Scarface.

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