Year 6, chapter 28. Dark magic women.

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(Just pretend it's her wand

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(Just pretend it's her wand.)


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Students are back from winter break as they all enter the great hall for breakfast. So in a day or to school we will start up again. I can't wait, for not only was Dumbledore not around, but Snape as well.

Normally I would give a secret gift to Snape, But I think he had his suspicions that it was me. For he would keep the gifts that I've given him, instead of throwing them out. Which always made me smile, and I would never admit out loud, but a little fuzzy inside.

But this year he didn't get his present, I guess I will get over it soon. I have more pressing concerns to attend unfortunately. Katie Bell seems to be alive and well, as people come up to her asking questions. My brother of course is one of them. I watch intently, as Draco walks into the hall.

I bite my plumb lips looking at Harry who has rage burning in his bright green eyes. He started to run after Draco, dammit all I thought. I got up and chased after the both of them. And boy can Draco run, I guess he has lots of experience being a chicken and all.

I'm almost questioning my decision to follow them, but if Draco can curse Katie...
I can't imagine what he would do to my brother.
It looks like Draco is leading us to the girl's bathroom. Since I'm close I slow down a bit, so I don't end in the thick of the chaos.

I got closer, hearing the sound running water, they must've broke a sink or two. I pull out my wand, ready to defend myself.
As I enter, I was right about the sinks, a few of them are even shattered due to the use of spells.

Even some stalls have seen better days. I notice Harry and Draco...on the floor? Trying to hit each other with spell shots. Well good luck trying to get your aim right while on the flooded stone floor I thought.

As on cue Draco gets up, he sees me and fires, I block his spell. I'm just a little too powerful for him. Then, Harry, I saw in the corner of my eye. I sense he is about to do something, and it's not going to be good. If I need I will keep Draco from being cursed himself,
For Harry knows better.

"No!"I scream as I push Draco away taking the hit. It felt like a thousand knives piercing my body, from my chest all the way down to my lower abdomen. Blood comes pouring out of me into the water, I actually have stab wounds from the spell. What dark magic is this?
I try to take deep breaths to calm myself, but the agony of my wounds moving just made it worse.

I divert my thoughts, I remember reading this spell in the book that I gave Harry. I never thought of using it, for I didn't how to use it. And only a fool would use magic that he didn't know how to cast or control. My brother happens to be a daft at times.
I surge of agony pulses through my body and gasped in pain. it seems to be getting worse, and now I can't think at all.

"Rosabel!?" Harry said in a whisper, but his voice was strained.
"What have I done." He says in a worried tone as he walks backward, horrified by his actions.  Then a wave of black elegantly swoops in by my side.
"Severus...I can't..."
"Shhhh." He puts a finger on my trembling lips.
He then gets up and glares at Harry, with such anger them I'm sure my brother pissed himself.

I've seen Snape angry before, but this was a level of mad I haven't seen in him. But again I'm not afraid of him, that's what sets me apart from the others.
Harry eventually rushes out, that's when I felt slight relief from the affliction I'm suffering.

I noticed Snape healing my wounds, with a healing spell I've never heard of before. He puts his wand away, and starts caresses my cold cheek softly. I close my eyes, slowly I feel myself slipping away into darkness.

He then picks me up bridal style, before I felt completely engulfed I had to say something.
"Don't blame... Harry." I whispered.
Soon my body falls limp, and see nothing but darkness.

I slowly open my eyes, remember everything, so I expected to be in the hospital wing. But I was in a strange room, I've never been to this place in the castle before.
But from what I can tell from still slightly blurred vision. 
It is that the area is dimly lit, with no bright colors, mostly grey and black. Very few decorations, truly a dull and gloomy spot if you ask me.

"You've awakened." I notice Snape in the corner. Sitting in an armchair with a newspaper over his face. He then folds it up, and places on his stand with an antique lamp in the middle.

"What part of the castle is this?"
He then chuckles, a rare sight to behold, to which I smile at.
"It's my house."
My lips form an O-shape, then I nod. "I would say it's a lovely place, but I would be lying if I did."
He frowns slightly, then it dawned on me, why am I at his house?

"Also why am I here, and not in the hospital wing back at the castle?"
He shifts in the chair, as his dark eyes meet my green. He stares at me intently, like he is studying me. But there something more, and I can't quite put my finger on it.

"You asked me not to blame your brother, if I took you to Madam Pomfrey, somebody would have been held responsible, and your brother would have been holding such responsibility."

I smiled softly, he did what I ask even though it would have been easier to put my brother in a rough spot.
"Thank you," I say with genuine respect and happiness.
I decided to slide out of this bed, and I get up, a little wobbly at first.

Snape is by my side in an instant.
Holding me in his arms to keep me from falling.
"Careful, " He said with concern.
With his strong arms around me, my cheeks begin to flush.
My heart beats faster by the second. I tilt my head so my eyes once more meet his.

This strong feeling I have for him can no longer be ignored. I stand on my tippy toes. And lightly plant a kiss on his soft lips. Slowly I pull back, eager to see how he will respond. He then leans in like he's going to kiss me back. I close my eyes waiting, the surge of anticipation was racing throughout my body.

But I feel nothing, I open my eyes. He just holds my tighter. He is holding back, that much is certain.
But why is the real question? If we both feel the same, then I say let our emotions do the talking for once.

"We should get back to the castle."
Before I could protest, we swirled into transport to Slytherin's common room. Without hesitation Snape left the room. Leaving me alone, confused, and yearning for his touch.

End of year 6, chapter 28. Dark magic women.

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