Chapter 1

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He gave the crowd one more good look before he jogged off stage out of sight. Him and the boys just finished playing a gig in Manchester. They got into the dressing room and were changing out of their concert clothes.

"Gotta use the loo.", Harry said to the boys as he slipped out of the door. He made his way down the hall to the bathroom. He opened the door and walked in, shutting and locking it behind him. He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked alright. He ran a hand through his curly locks. He took a deep shaky breath and walked over to the toilet. He got down on his knees and as quick as he could, shoved his fingers down his throat. Immediately, he was vomiting. The tears started coming down his face. He threw up one last time. He sat up, wiping his mouth off. He sat there, taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself down enough to stop shaking. Just as he was getting up there was a knock at the door. "Hey Haz. You alright?", Louis called through the door. "Yea. Just washing up. Be out in a sec.", Harry replied with a shaky voice. He washed his hands and walked out. Louis was standing beside the door. He looked Harry up and down. He looked in Harry's eyes and stepped closer. "Harry..were you crying?", he asked. "No, don't be ridiculous.", Harry answered with little confidence. "You're a horrible liar.", he responded. "Come on Louis. It's just been a bad night. I'm tired and I just want to go home.", Harry replied, whining a bit. "Alright. Lets go. I'm driving. The rest of the boys already left.", Louis said, as he grabbed Harry's hand and began pulling him towards the exit. They walked outside and the cold air slapped Harry right in the face. He almost threw up but stopped himself. He knows Louis could tell but he didn't say anything. They climbed into the car and Louis drove off. 20 minutes later they pulled up to their flat. Everybody thought they had got their own places but they still live together. They walked in and Harry headed straight to their room. Yeah, their room. He grabbed pajamas and went to the bathroom. He changed and brushed the vomit out of his mouth. He finished up and walked into their room. Just as Harry was about to lay down Louis spun him around to face him. He wrapped his arms around Harry and planted a soft but passionate kiss on his lips. Something Harry had needed all day and that just made his day better. They melted into each other. They fell messily into the bed just kissing. That's it. No sex. Just kissing and cuddling, which meant more than Louis could ever know to Harry.

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