Chapter 2 - Broken

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The next day Harry woke up and rolled over, opening his eyes. He was alone in bed. What a great start to the day. Not. Harry sat up and grabbed his phone off the nightstand. It was 2 in the afternoon. He had a text message from Louis. He opened it up,"Sorry I left without waking you up. Had something to do." That was strange. Louis always put love you or x's at the end of his texts. Oh well. Harry rolled out of bed and got dressed. He walked into the bathroom and looked at the toilet. He tried really hard not to but he always failed. He dropped to his knees, once again shoving his fingers down his throat. It was the only way he could deal with the fame, hate comments, everything.


He had the day off and decided to just stay in, watching movies. After a few hours he was wondering where Louis was. He hadnt gotten any texts for awhile. It was almost 6. He got up and was just about to pop in another movie when the front door opened. It was Louis. He walked in, pulling off his coat. "Hey Louis.", Harry said cheerfully. "Hey.", Louis said in a weird tone. "You alright?", He asked, concerned. "I'm fine.", Louis said, a little rudely. "Okay..erhm..I was just about to watch a movie. Care to join me?", Harry asked, hopeful. "No thanks. Going to bed.", Louis answered. Harry threw him a questioning look but Louis just ignored him and headed towards their room. Harry heard the shower start. What the hell just happened? He thought to himself. He almost started crying. He shut the movie off and walked back to the bedroom. He climbed into bed and laid there, trying to fall asleep before Louis got done with his shower. 10 minutes later Louis walked out of the shower. He put his pajamas on and Harry laid there, pretending to be asleep. He felt Louis' eyes on him. Louis grabbed his pillow and walked out of the room. Harry heard the guest room door open and then close. Louis wasn't sleeping with Harry tonight. That completely destroyed Harry. He cried, no sobbed himself to sleep, wishing Louis was there to comfort him.


The next morning Harry woke up, opening his eyes and seeing nobody in bed next to him. Then the memories of last night flooded back into his mind. He was going to be sick. He dashed into the bathroom, just barely making it to the toilet before he started throwing up. After 5 minutes of throwing up and 5 minutes of recovering Harry stood up and cleaned himself up. That was strange..he never threw up on his own. He always had to make himself throw up. He shrugged it off and walked into his bedroom, putting on some clean clothes. Just then his phone started ringing. The caller ID said "Julia" His best friend that he told everything to.

"Hello?", he answered.

"Hey Harry. How are you doing?", she said, voice filled with concern.

"Uhm..fine?", Harry said, questioningly.

"Wait..have you checked twitter yet?", she asked.

"No? Why?", Harry asked, as he grabbed his laptop and logged on. His breath hitched. He couldn't believe it. Everywhere on twitter were pictures of Louis and some girl named Eleanor. They were kissing, hugging, and holding hands. The pictures were from yesterday. Harry's heart sunk.

"Harry..?", Julia asked. Harry didnt say anything. He just hung up. He couldn't talk to anyone. Louis, the boy he was in love with and who he thought loved him back, has a girlfriend. A girlfriend Louis never mentioned to Harry. Harry slammed his laptop shut. He stood up and swung his door open. Louis was standing there with his hand ready to knock on the now open door. "Oh Harry, you're up. Just wanted to tell you I have breakfast out in-", Louis was saying before Harry cut him off. "Fuck off." He pushed past Louis into the living room to get his shoes. As he was pulling them on Louis came in. "What the hell was that about?", Louis demanded. Harry grabbed his coat and with tears in his eyes, turned around and said,"Why don't you ask Eleanor?" With that Harry spun on his heel and slammed out the door. "", Louis whispered to himself, as tears silently slid down his face.

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