chapter 3

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Autumns p.o.v:

I stood up and went to my room, god. I don't want to spend two more months with these guys.

Why can't I just stay here? By myself?

my mom came into my room, sat on my bed and smiled at me.

"are you excited? I heard New York has really good pastry" she said smiling.

"yeah I'll make sure I bring you some" I said smiling back at her.

Mom just wants to do her job as a parent, get us money and provide us with shelter and protection.

I'm not mad at my mom, I'm just upset this is how my summer is going to be.

"You are your brother will have a great time with the boys, watch out for yourself and call me if you ever need anything..we'll FaceTime everyday alright hun?" She said.

"of course" i said.

she left the room and I stood up and looked at my self in the mirror, I really do need to go on a diet..

I need a new haircut and I need to just work on my self this summer.

let's just hope New York goes well..even though I know it's a suicide mission.

I decided to take a shower and then watch one of my favorite shows, the vampire diaries.

my mom and brother are never really home for lunch, so I make my self lunch everyday.

I paused the vampire diaries, and went to the kitchen and made my self a ham sandwich with a side of orange favorite.

I went back up to my room, and ate my sandwich and watched the show all day.

it's currently 9pm and my mom just came back from work, I made her some tea and went up to my room and got ready to sleep.

it's pretty early..I know, it's just that I really don't have anything to do other than sleep or eat.

and I chose to sleep since eating is just going to make me fatter.

I wore my favorite pj shorts, brushed my teeth and hair and laid on my bed.

god, if only dad was still here and I was back in Ohio where I actually belong..

things would've been different, a good different.

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