Some backstory

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Deku POV
"Take a swan dive off the roof"kachan said, all my life I've been bullied I even had others tell me to kill myself . I never wanted to though. I hated myself always thinking it was my fault no one liked me I always thought it was my fault I was born quirk-less that I was weak, stupid, ugly I always blamed myself but I still wanted to be a hero. Stupid right? So when the only person I thought cared about me said that something broke inside me something I've been trying to hold together for years I cried a little while he laughed at me reminding me that I'm nothing but a quirkless crybaby those words ringing in my head than I stoped I stoped crying I stoped feeling hatred towards myself I stoped feeling the love I felt to Katsuki bakugou it felt almost as if my emotions stoped altogether. I just stared wide eyed with an expressionless look on my face before I ran. I ran I ran out the doors I ran down street after street. I ran through busy sidewalks, no one even sparing a glance at my direction as I ran. I kept running till I saw the sun setting and even then I still ran. after a while I took a turn down a dark ally way not caring if something happened to me thinking they'd be doing everyone a favor if they got rid of me. I ran till I crashed into someone " what are you doing running around like that little one?" Asked a tall man who didn't seem to have a nose and wore a red scarf "no one likes me I'm a quirkless deku I can't do anything right and I have no friends or family" I said in a emotionless voice "oh? Is that so? He asked I simply nodded "hm a boy your age shouldn't be alone here come with me. I'll be your new family" he reached out a hand towards me to which I gladly took. he led me down deeper into the alleyway I started to tremble a little in fear " it's ok little one we're almost there" he said. I started to feel a little calmer than we reached a dead end he lifted his hand and placed it on the wall, I was very confused to what he was doing until I saw the wall start to move to the side to reveal a secret door way that led the a flight of stairs traveling down. at this point I was extremely curious and followed behind the man as he led me down stairs. i heard the door close behind me and continued to walk till we reached another door to which the man typed something into the key pad which unlocked the door. He opened it to reveal a small bar with a man of black purplish mist with two yellow slits I presumed were his eyes was behind the counter polishing little cups "hello stain" the man in black mist said "hello kirogiri" said stain while stain and kirogiri started talking I saw 3 figures pop their heads out from in front of the couch that was facing the tv. One was a girl who almost looked to be about my age with dirty blond har pulled into two side buns. Another looked to be a little older with black spiky hair, and one with grey unruly hair who seemed to be the same age as the one with black spiky hair
"Ooooo, LOOK DABI AND SHIGARAKI ISNT HE THE CUTEST?!!!"squealed she girl
"Hm looks like we have another member to this family" replied dabi
"Mhm" said shigiraki
I sat there a loss for words when the blond came running up to me and threw herself on me "HI!! I'm toga, what's your name cutie?" " I-I'm izuku m-Midoriya" i stuttered "well izuku, welcome to the family" said dabi as he came up from the couch and hugged me along with toga and shigiraki. I started crying "ohh why are you crying! I'm sorry if we scared you!!" Said toga her voice sounding concerning "I'm sorry it's just, iv never been apart of a f-family I'm just so h-happy" i said while still bawling my eyes out, dabi and shigiraki chuckled while toga continued to crush me under her hug. "Little one come with me, we're going to meet the father of this family , ready?" I nodded and waved goodbye to toga, dabi, and shigiraki. We started walking down this long corridor until we reached a giant door to which stain nocked 3 times " come in" we heard a voice reply. Stain opened the door and let me inside " I'll be back to pick u up soon ok?" I nodded And walking inside a little, while I heard the door shut behind me " hm what is your name boy?" He asked "I-izuku m-Midoriya" I replied " well izuku in part of this family I welcome you, come take a seat my boy" I nodded and took a seat across from him " so I was informed you didn't have a quirk?" He asked " n-no" I said while casting my gaze down " is it that you don't have a quirk or that you haven't used it?" I looked up back at him in confusion " I-I don't have one?" I replied more of a question than an answer. " hm, I've been told that before where people were told that they didn't have a quirk merely because they didn't know what their quirk is" I looked at him confused. To which he stood up and came behind me I instantly became scared "relax, this will be much easier if your comfortable" so I did as he asked and relaxed. Than I felt something almost like being hit my a train I gasped and my breath got caught in my throat. I struggled to breath I started seeing black closed my vision when just as suddenly as it came it stopped. He walked back to his seat and sat down " my boy, not only do you have a quirk but it is very similar to mine you just need to train it it's not a quirk that can easily be mastered I will be training you" I looked at him wide eyed and started crying " THANK YOU!! thank you so much for giving me all this" I cried and he chuckled " now go, stain will be showing you to your room than you can go and get to know your now siblings" I got up and cried more thank you before stain came to get me. They was the happiest day of my life the day I found my family
Katsuki POV
Why did I say that?
I don't know anymore
I didn't know why I had to be so harsh he had just confessed his feelings, telling me he loves me and he always has.
I loved him too, I wanted to protect him
Make him mine
Cherish him make him happy
But, I said that instead, I made fun of him
Bullied him, I knew I was the only person he trusted the only one he though cared about him. But I said that I told him That no one could ever love him that that's why his dad left and his mom killed herself because he was a good for nothing quirkless deku. I saw something break in side him I saw the twinkle in his eyes leave and be replaced with a dull green. I saw him look at me before he got up and ran I wanted to chase after him but I was frozen in place. I don't know why I couldn't move than after an hour I was finally able to move I raced after him looking every where asking people if they have seen him, but no one did I went to his house I went to all the hiding spots we had to all the secret book and crannies we always hung out in to no avail I looked and looked and looked until my parents found me wandering the streets in the dark still calling out to him. My parents filled a missing persons report but because of his lack of family and being quirkless they never actually took action. It took me 3years before I gave up 3 years before I started sleeping again. 3 years to come to turns with what I had don't and even then I was still broken. I stoped being the kid I used to be I became quiet I never talked, I lost focus in everything after some time I became better though I made friends I apologized to every person I ever bullied and I made good grades and never talked back. I did everything to make it to UA because deku always told me to follow my dreams, so I did, I wanted to make him happy for when he came back I always saw the look of pity in my parents eyes every time I told them that but they never judged me
I loved that about them.
I knew if I ever had a chance that I would tell izuku I loved him too
That I was sorry
That I cared
That I was his
And that I will always protect him
No matter what


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