Chapter 4- Jealousy

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(Third person POV)

America sat alone at his lunch table, as usual, he knew that Russia probably had other friends he wanted to hang out with so Ame wasn't expecting him to show up. America was deep in thought, he was thinking about how much trouble he would be in with his bullies when they came back. They would most likely try to break his arm or something, just thinking about it sent a shiver down America's spine.

"Привет!" (Hey!) America fell backward but someone caught him, he looked up and saw Russia holding him from under Ame's arms. "Whoa! Are you alright?"

"I-I thought I told you not to do that again!" America scowled. Rus chuckled sitting America back up again, Russia sat next to him.

"You've been so jumpy..." Rus stated.

"I-It's just... I'm so used to North Korea and the others attacking me that I can't relax..." Russia nodded in understanding. They talked for about ten minutes before another country came up to them.

"Hey Ruski!" America looked up to see Germany leaning over the table, Russia nodded in greeting. "Why don't you come to sit at my table?" He glared over at Ame, 'what's his problem?' America thought.

"No thanks... I'm good here..." Russia replied calmly, "Maybe tomorrow." It seemed like the German didn't hear him for he didn't respond.

"Who are you exactly?" He asked America.

"Oh! My name is America," Ame put his hand out for Germany to shake, but he just glared. America soon took his hand away and turned his head away. Germany turned back to Russia,

"Well, you two enjoy yourselves..." He said grimly before walking off. America and Russia sat in silence for a few moments before America finally spoke.

"What was that about?"

"That was Germany... I... used to date him but... it just seemed like he wasn't really my type. I'd rather be with..." Russia paused, catching himself from confessing to America. "I-I mean Germany's great and all but... I just never really liked him the way he likes me..." Ame nodded in understanding. They went back to talking until lunch was over.

(Germany's POV)

I could feel the fury building up inside me. Russia and I had only just broken up a few days ago and he's already found himself someone new? And of all people why America? He's so pathetic and weak! I told Russia that I still loved him even though we weren't together, but now he just shrugs me off! My thoughts were interrupted by someone grabbing my arm. I looked down to see Poland smiling up at me. We've been friends for as long as I can remember, even after World War 2.

"Germany, Social Studies class is this way," She pulled me along with her.

"Hehe... sorry, I was just lost in thought," I said trying to sound joyful.

"Well get yourself lost in thoughts about school!" Poland joked. I chuckled, she really was a great friend. At one point I think I had feelings for her until Russia came into my life... maybe... I'll try Poland out- NO! I can't just give up on Rus like that! I'll make that American pay, me and Russia will be back together soon enough. In class America and Russia sat right next to each other. They would not. Stop. TALKING! I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying because they were across the room but it was so annoying to hear them laughing every five seconds. It soon got to the point where the teacher had to put America and Russia on separate sides of the room. Even then I knew that they were texting each other. Sooner or later the teacher caught them and sent them both to after school detention. "Tch serves them right..." I whispered under my breath.

(Time skip!)

After class I bumped into America on my way out. He nearly fell to the ground but caught himself.

"I-I I'm sorry! I just..." Ame paused to see the country he bumped into, "O-Oh hey... It's you..." The American's expression changed almost instantly. I glared at him,

"Listen to me! Don't go near Russia again or you'll regret it!" I growled. America clearly looked terrified, he was already shivering with fear. This gave me a sense of power if it's that easy to scare him, he'll stay away from Russia for sure. I walked away, I soon saw Russia walking down the hall.

"Hey! Ruski, wait up!" I called running in front of him. Rus turned to face me, he looked annoyed.

"I thought I told you not to call me that..."

"Oh! Right sorry," I said nervously, "Where are you off to?"

"Detention, you were there for the show! Or were you not paying attention?" At this point Russia seemed angry.

"Well~ maybe you should stop hanging around America. He seems like a trouble maker," Rus gave me a sharp glare.

"Don't tell me who to hang around! You're just jealous that I'm friends with America and not you!" Russia shouldered past me, he turned his head back for only for a moment, "And don't think I didn't see you threatening America. Don't go near him, understand?" The Russian continued walking, leaving me speechless. 'D-Doesn't he like me anymore!?' I thought still frozen in place.

Sorry about the short chapter... I've been really busy lately... hope you enjoyed it tho! Uw0

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