Chapter 32- Murderers Speak Out

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(Russia's POV)

I watched Czech Republic and Poland walk out of the restaurant. They had a point but I knew that I was right, I just had to get enough evidence to prove it.

"We should go home Rus and give this a rest. The police will figure it out eventually." America said.

I ignored what he just said, "Ame... you believe me don't you?" I asked.

"I... I don't know... like they said, I'm not quite sure if Jamaica or Netherlands would do something like this. They've done some... messing up stuff before... but this is way out of their league." America sighed. I know he hated to admit that I was wrong but... maybe he's right.

"You're probably right Ame... Let's just go home." I stood up and waited for America at the door. Just as I turned to leave someone bumped into me. They were much shorter than me so I wasn't affected but they fell backward.

"Are you okay man?" Someone asked the person who I had just bumped into. That accent... I looked down and it was Jamaica and Netherlands. Jamaica was helping Netherlands to his feet.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Oh it's you two..." I said glaring at both of them.

Netherlands glared back up at me, "Uh, how about 'I'm sorry for knocking me over' ?!" He growled.

"Hey, you bumped into me..." I snarled.

"Whatever man let's just go..." Jamaica tipped his head to the side indicating for them to leave.

"Wait." I said grabbing his arm. Jamaica looked up at me in alarm,

"Can I help you with something?"

"Do either of you know what happened to Germany, Germany Berlin." The two of them exchanged what seemed to be a nervous glance.

"W-Well... we weten dat hij dood is..." (we know he's dead...) Netherlands stuttered. I didn't know Dutch very well so I looked to Jamaica for a translation.

"He said that we know he's dead. But we don't know how he died..." Jamaica replied, he looked nervous and he didn't even look at me as he spoke. This definitely didn't seem right... it seemed as if they were... hiding something... I know they had something to do with this! But I just had to figure out how to get it out of them.

"Okay... Хорошего дня..." (Have a nice day...) I told them finally before walking away. I had walked several meters away from McDonald's when someone grabbed my arm. I looked down and saw America looking up at me with anger and annoyance in his eyes.

"YOU FREAKING LEFT ME IN THERE!" He shouted. Dang it! I had been so focused on this whole finding out who killed Germany thing I had completely forgot about America! How the frick did I forget about him!

"Oh god! I'm so sorry Ame! I was really focused on-"

"Really focused on trying to expose two people who did nothing?" America snarled.

"I promise you! They had something to do with this!" I retorted.

Ame rolled his eyes, "Suuuuure... Look Russia. For all we know it could have been some random person looking for trouble."

"Watch America. I'm going to expose them, one way or another."

(Time Skip)

I sat down on my bed trying to think things through. I know they did it, or at least something to do with it. I don't have any true evidence but I will find a way to get the truth out of them. Maybe... I could use America to help...

"AME! Can you come here real quick!" I called. There was no answer. "AMERICA!" I yelled again.

Ame came running into the room looking rather annoyed, "What?"

"You know Jamaica and Netherlands better than I do right.?" I asked.

"Russia, please not this again..."

"Answer my question."

America rolled his eyes, "Yeah, they used to be Australia's best friends and we got along rather well. What's it to you?"

"You might be the only other person they trust and you might be able to get it out of them." As I explained this to America his expression turned even more annoyed.

"Okay listen to me Russia. I really don't care about Germany nor who killed him. If anything I'm happy that he's gone. I am not going to break the small trust I have with the two." America turned around and began to walk away.

"If you do, I'll buy those sunglasses you wanted, the ones with diamonds in them."

"Deal!" Ame said whirling back around.

(Another Time Skip America's POV)

I can't believe Russia talked me into this... But it'll be worth it, I guess. I waited a few days before contacting them so it wouldn't be too suspicious. When I had contacted Jamaica and Netherlands  we had agreed to meet at the park. Russia gave me the instruction to record the conversation on my phone in secret. Even though I'm gonna feel bad for doing this to them... but I've wanted these glasses since the beginning of the year and if Russia's willing to get them for me if I do this, then Imma do it. I arrived at the park five minutes early. I wondered if they thought it was weird that I wanted to meet up with them when I had just seen them the same day. Probably not, I knew them, they couldn't think into it that much. When they finally arrived it was like half an hour later! Jamaica greeted me with a friendly smile.

"Well you sure did take your time..." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry about that man... We ran into some trouble on the way but we're here now." Jamaica replied not changing his happy expression. 'There is no way Russia truly believed these two were capable of murder...'

"So what do you want to talk about? You weren't very specific over the phone..." Netherland asked.

Russia had a whole plan for me to follow so I said what he told me to, "Well, honestly... I want to talk to you both about Australia..." At these words, their rather happy expressions turned upset... I had never seen them like this before... "I know the two of you were closest to him and I really don't have anyone else to really talk to about this... I miss him, like I'm sure you both do and... I hate what Germany has done not just to me... but to him... I'm just glad Germany is gone now." As I finished, Jamaica and Netherlands gave each other a nervous glance but didn't say anything. It felt like hours before someone spoke next.

"Honestly I believe he got what he deserved. I know how much pain he causes you and your family." Netherlands sighed, staring down at the ground.

"I agree... I just wonder who killed Germany though..." I tried to look upset but in reality, I was looking for their reactions. Jamaica said something briefly into Netherlands's ear who then gave the smallest of nods.

"America... we're going to tell you something that you may or may not like. But... you must promise that you won't tell anyone. Not Canada, not Russia, anyone! Understand?" Jamaica grabbed my shoulders and we all huddled together so no one else could hear. I nodded in agreement... I knew I would feel bad later because I had to tell Russia all of this... Jamaica looked me dead in the eye as he continued, "We... We were the ones that murdered Germany..." 

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