Chapter 14- Don't Leave Me

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!WARNING! There is going to be physical abuse and blood in this chapter. If you are sensitive to these topics then I suggest you don't read this. Hope you enjoy! UwU

Canada's POV

Me and Ame decided to go home after all, for mom and Kiwi's sake. My heart was beating out of my chest, I was afraid of what dad might say or do to us when we got there. When we reached the house me and Ame just stood at the door, America had just reached for the doorknob but hesitated. I know what he was thinking,

"We have to go in at some point..." I told him. Ame finally opened the door and we were immediately almost tackled by New Zealand as she threw herself onto us. It was good to see she was alright, I was scared dad might have hurt her too... but the moment didn't last long, Kiwi grabbed us both by the ear and started yelling at us.

"Where have you two been!? Me and mom have been worried sick!" She growled. I couldn't answer! It felt like Kiwi was going to rip a part of my ear off.

"Agh! Dad threw an alcohol bottle at us so we left the house and stayed with Russia for the night!" Ame yelled in pain. New Zealand let go of our ears and hugged us again.

"I'm just glad you two are alright..." She said. I smiled at her but my heart soon dropped when dad walked around the corner.

"So you two finally decided to come back?" He didn't even seem a little bit happy to see us.

"You know why we left douchebag!" Ame snarled. I immediately shook my head.

"Oh, you clearly haven't learned your lesson have you!?" Dad grabbed America by his neck and shoved him into the wall. By the sound of his grunt, Ame got the wind knocked out of him. He was struggling to breathe!

"Dad stop!" I yelled running over to him and trying to tackle him. He didn't budge! Dad then grabbed him by the front of the shirt and threw me down to the floor. He was a lot stronger than I thought! He then threw Ame down next to me as well. America tried to get up but dad punched him back down, he then picked him up and punched Ame in the jaw. My brother fell to the ground again but he didn't catch himself at all! W-Was he unconscious!? I went over to him and kneeled over him and shook him vigorously.

"America!? America! Brother wake up!" I pleaded but Ame hardly moved! "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? YOUR GRIEF HAS COMPLETELY TAKEN OVER YOU! IF YOU'RE GOING TO GET OVER THIS THEN YOU CAN'T TAKE YOUR ANGER OUT ON US!" I yelled. I was so angry at this point that I didn't even care that dad had slapped me...

"Done raise your voice to me! America got what he deserved!" Dad snarled before walking away.

(Time skip and America's POV)

I woke up in my own bed, I could remember dad hitting me and me blacking out. Maple must have put me in my bed. How long have I been out for? I checked my phone and saw that it was 5 in the morning! I also had several missed calls and texts from Russia, I bet he was really worried about me by now. He might be awake right now... I called and he picked up almost immediately.

"АМЕРИКА! почему ты не отвечаешь на мои звонки?!" (AMERICA! Why didn't you answer my calls?!) He asked in a panic. I... shouldn't tell him what actually happened.

"I... lost my phone and it took me all day to find it and when I did it was like ten o'clock at night," I said trying to sound calm.

"Okay then... Hey, it's Friday, do you wanna hang out later? If so, bring Canada because Ukraine wants to come too," I could tell Rus didn't completely believe me but I was glad we could hang out later.

"Sure! Me and Maple will come!"

"Alright, I'll see you at school then," Russia hung up and I began to get ready for school also.

(Time skip again)

I walked down the hall to lunch when someone grabbed me from behind and threw me to the ground. I looked up and saw China and Japan standing over me.

"Clearly you guys haven't learned your lesson!" I got back up and glared at them, but the two just grinned. North and South Korea stepped up behind them, they both had psychopathic smiles on their faces.

"Oh we've learned, and we've decided to teach you a lesson!" North glance over at Japan who was pulling something from her pocket... My heart skipped a beat... Japan had pulled a knife on me! I backed up, almost stumbling over my own feet.

"O-Okay! You've gone too far now!" I stuttered. I backed up into a wall as the group surrounded me... 'Crap... I'm gonna die...' I thought as Japan came closer. Someone grabbed her from behind and held her in the air.

"Well, what's going on here?" It was Russia! I never realized how tall he was until now... he was towering over the other countries. He noticed Japan's knife in her hand and put her down. "Now get out of here!" They didn't move, they just starred then South Korea turned to Japan and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and walked forward, holding the knife up. I knew what she was going to do, and I wouldn't let her hurt my boyfriend! I tackled her to the ground, holding her down. China grabbed my shirt but Russia punched him in the jaw, China stumbled backward holding the side of his mouth. North Korea grabbed me and threw me off of Japan, Rus came to help but Japan got up and stood in his way. South and North tag teamed me so I couldn't see what was happening with Russia. South threw a punch at me but I ducked and he hit North Korea. Suddenly a loud scream filled our ears, we all stopped and turned to see Russia practically on the ground... The front of his throat bleeding out! Japan stood horror-struck in front of him. My eyes widened and I ran over to Russia, my heart felt like it had stopped beating.

"R-RUSSIA!" I yelled. The other three gathered around us.

"J-Japan... What have you done?!" South Korea stood frozen.

"I-I didn't mean to! I w-was just defending myself!" Japan dropped the knife and backed away from us. Russia collapsed to the ground and started throwing up blood!

"RUSSIA!" I yelled again. He was struggling to breathe until... he stopped breathing and moving altogether. "R-Russia? RUSSIA!? No no no no no please Russia you can't leave me please!" I shook him but he didn't move! "Russia please... my Ruski... don't leave me... I-I love you..."

FYI before you guys literally kill me just know Russia isn't dead or going to die he's just gonna be in a coma for a week or two. :3 Lets see what problems that causes. owo 

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