No# 5

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I walked outside with Shawn. The air had become cooler and I instinctively pulled my jacket tighter for warmth.

"Are you cold? Here, here take my jacket!" Shawn said, removing his jacket and placed it around my shoulder.

"No, I'm fine. Don't worry about me," I said, handing it back to him.

He seemed skeptic, but took it back. Then the air was filled with an awkward silence. I didn't want to push him to say anything that he wasn't ready to say, so I waited for him to speak.

"Y/N, I just wanted to... what I'm trying to say is... I'm really..."

I cut him off,"It's okay, Shawn. We were kids, kids do stupid stuff, they say things they don't mean. I forgive you."

He sighed in relief. "Seriously? But I said all of that stuff and..."

"Shawn, we are both two completely different people now. Things have changed, don't stress yourself out over this. I said, I forgive you."

Shawn kept his head down and didn't say anything. I started to get a little worried that something had went wrong.

"Should we get back to the others now?" I said, walking towards the door.

Shawn grabbed my hand and pulled me back closer to him. Our faces were inches apart.

"You're beautiful,"

I blushed,"Shawn..."

"No, I mean it. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life."

Before I could say anything, Shawn's lips were on mine. My eyes widened in shock, but soon I closed them and kissed back. My heart fluttered a bit, my thoughts were racing, I couldn't get it together. I pulled away after what seemed like ages.

"What was that?" My voice was panicked, still trying to catch my breath.

Shawn was just as in shock as I was.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, I shouldn't have done that!"

Our eyes locked and I instantly looked away.

"I should be getting home. Tell Cory and Topanga that I'll talk to them later."

He just nodded with his head down.

As I walked away, even though to Shawn I was really upset about the kiss, I smirked to myself.

Shawn Hunter was really starting to have an effect on me.

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