No# 6

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"N/N! What happened last night?"

I looked up from my book to see a curious Topanga.

"What do you mean?"

She smirked at me as if she already knew.

"Last night with Shawn!"

My eyes grew wide as I immediately closed my book and pulled her away from the crowds of rushing teenagers in the hall. I looked around to see if anyone was listening or to see if Cory and Shawn were around.

"Last night...Shawn kissed me!"

A wide smile spread across her face.

"This is so great! You have no idea how long we've waited for Shawn to find someone and to be in a serious, committed relationship—"

I cut her off in the middle of her babbling and shook my head.

"Topanga, no! Shawn and I aren't like that! It's just that–"

Before I could finish my statement, Shawn came running in the halls after a tall blonde girl.

"Susan, please! Just give me another chance!"

"And why should I do that, Hunter?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Shawn ran a hand through his magnificent hair and took a step back.

"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I really like you."

I turned my head away from the scene and decided to walk away. Topanga was hot on my heels after me.

"Y/N! Where are you going?"

I couldn't fight the tears that were threatening to come through as I walked into the girls' bathroom. I sat down on the couch and started to sob. Topanga sat next to me and pulled me into a tight hug. As a general's daughter, this was almost taboo. I had to be strong for my family and my father, who needed me, but this felt like pure torture.

"He said that to me last night before he kissed me..." I started, beginning to wipe the tears streaming down my face. "That was my first kiss, Topanga. I always imagined it would be with someone who cared about me, not by some player. Am I just another girl that he manipulate?"

Handing me a tissue, Topanga raised an eyebrow at me.

"Do you still not feel anything for him?"

I shook my head but then I stopped to think for a moment.

"I don't know. I just got back here and things are already starting to confuse me. I just need some time to reevaluate."

She nodded and escorted me back into the hallway when I had collected myself. When I walked back into the hall, I could see Shawn ans Susan making out on a nearby bench. I adverted my eyes and pretended to be getting something out of my locker.

"Hey N/N, Topanga."

I didn't look up, already knowing that the mystery person was Shawn.

"I'll leave you two alone," Topanga said then walking away, but I knew that she was just going to eavesdrop on us from somewhere else.

I didn't respond to Shawn and that caused him to become a little agitated.

"Did I do something wrong?"

My eyes met his green ones with pain and concern. Could he have really been that oblivious?

"Yes, actually. What is it with this Susan girl?"

Shawn rolled his eyes and scoffed, causing me to choke back tears.

"I didn't know I needed your permission to talk to other girls."

"Well from what I could see, you did a little more than just talk to her!"

I was starting to get aggravated and I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"What is your problem?"

I gasped in shock at his choice of words. The night before he was so sweet and affectionate, but this wasn't the same Shawn. It was the Shawn of my past.

"Why'd you kiss me last night if you're seeing this Susan girl? Not to mention, you used the same words on her as you did with me!"

"Do you really think that kiss meant anything? Are you really that naive? I could have sworn that you were more intelligent than that?"

Tears began streaming down my face as I ran out of the hall.

"Shawn Hunter! How could you?!" Topanga yelled at him then chasing after me.

Corys P.O.V

I had watched the entire scene unfold with Shawn and Y/N. Topanga had run out of the hallway with a crying Y/N. In my own rage, I slammed Shawn against the lockers.

"Shawn, what the heck was that?"

He looked away from me, telling me that there was something more to the story.

"I can't Cory... I can't be the perfect guy for her."

I released him as he elaborated on his story.

"I can't be that perfect guy that she deserves. I thought if I let her see the real me now...she wouldn't be interested anymore..."

Shaking my head in disbelief, I slammed him against the lockers again.

"It's one thing to be afraid to love her, Shawn, but it's another to hurt her! She is like a sister to me, so you better fix this and fast or you'll have to deal with me!"

Letting him go again, I immediately followed after Topanga and Y/N, leaving him to his thoughts. At that moment I knew that the story of Y/N L/N and Shawn Hunter was just getting started.

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