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                  Everyday after school, Connor and I meet at the parking lot where his car is always parked.

                   Walking to the parking lot of the school after classes is a real workout. It's a fifteen minute walk because of all the buildings my school has. Eight buildings separate my building and the parking lot.

                     I exited my building and start walking down the sidewalk to the parking lot.

                    Usually, I like to pull out my phone and listen to music while I walk, but all I'm thinking about is the new job that Connor got me. I'm really hoping to do good on this job. Besides, how hard can giving out tickets and serving popcorn be?

                    Six more buildings.

                    I'm pretty sure the Cambridge Theater just opened a week ago. Only three miles from our apartment. From the pictures I saw on the newspaper, it looks huge from the outside. With all the big movie posters hung around the theater, I'm surprised they even fit an actual theater in there.

                    What scares me the most though is the interview with the boss. I've never actually had a job in my life. This will be the first time that I get to work for my own money - not counting the times I've sold some lemonade with Connor when we were kids - without anyone's help.

                    Halfway done.

                    It's not like I haven't tried to look for a job, but all the jobs that I applied for didn't accept me. I don't know why the hell not. Connor tells me that I don't pick the jobs that I'm good at. He says that I only pick the "easy jobs".

                   So apparently, he thinks I'm good at handing out tickets and serving popcorn to strangers.


                  Two more to go.

                  I turn the corner of he second building and I see the parking lot. From where I'm standing, I see cars parked everywhere in the lot. From old school convertibles to brand new Ferraris. They all cover the lot.

                  I passed the last building and entered the parking lot. When I got to Connor's usual parking space, – under a mahogany tree at the far corner of the lot, – his black volkswagen is already parked. He was leaning on the driver's door, phone in hand.

                   When he heard my footsteps coming closer, his head snaped up. He pushed himself of the car, got inside the driver's seat, and started the car. “Come on, Brooke,” he said, closing his door. “we're going to be late for your interview with the boss.”

                   “Well hello, to you too.” I went around the vehicle to ride shotgun.

                    When I strapped my seatbelt over my chest, Connor backed the car out of the parking space and exited the lot.

                    I looked over at Connor, I could see him smiling and tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. “What are you so giddy about?” I asked him, turning my body to the left so I could get a better look at him.

                    His smile got even wider when he said, “I have a surprise for you.”

                     I gave him a look for him to tell me what this "surprise" was. “Well?” I punched him and he winced. “Are you going to tell me before I punch you again?”

                    “Hey now,” He smiled. “That's no way to treat your future supervisor.” When he turned to look at my shocked face, he laughed.

                    “Wait, what?” I didn't think I heard him right.

                    “If you get this job, I'm gonna be your supervisor.” When he saw my still confused look, he continued. “I went to get a new job two weeks ago because I didn't like my last job.” He smirked. His old job had been a barista at Starbucks. Whenever Connor would be the cashier or serve the drinks, all the ladies in the shop would swoon over him. “Anyway, I got a job at the theater and the boss – Nicholas – told me that the he needs more employees and that if I knew anyone that would want or need a job – you – , I would bring them to the theater.”

                    “So, I didn't exactly get the job yet?”

                     We pulled up into a new parking lot. Outside, I could see the big building that read "The Carson Theater" Connor leaned over to get a better view of the building. “Well, you're about to.”


                    We pushed the tinted glass double doors and my breath caught. It was gorgeous. There were about fifteen theaters on the first floor. The popcorn stand was pushed up against the back wall. Many people crowd the place, all waiting for their movie time.

                    A man with white hair and a thick beard walked up in front of Connor and I while I was staring at the beauty that is this theater. The man nods his head at Connor before turning to me. “Welcome, welcome.” He reached out his hand for mine. I took his hand and he shaked mine. “I’m Nicholas Carson, but you can call me Nick.” He smiled wickedly at Connor then turned his smile to me. “I see Mr. Jones, here – ” He points at Connor while keeping his eyes on me. “ – has brought you to the theater to get a job.”

                     “Um, well, yes. Brooke Greene.” I swallow, introducing myself.

                    “Well then, Brooke, come along.” he turns around and starts walking, with his pointer in the air moving, indicating us to follow. Connor and I fell in to step on each side of Nick. We walked passed "Taters", the theater's food stand and enter a wide and bright hallway with many lights and posters covering each side of the wall. We pass three or four doors until we reach the end of the hallway. At the end of the hall, a single door is read, "Nicholas Carson, CEO."

                     Nick fishes out his keys and unlocks his door. He holds the door out for Connor and I and turns on the lights before shutting the door.

                     His office is huge. A big glass desk is placed in the middle of the room with a bookshelf beside it. Behind the desk, a long thick glass window is placed overlooking the city.

                    “So, Brooke,” Nick takes his place and sits down on his desk chair while Connor and I occupy the two separate chairs in front of him. “Do you have your resumé?”

                    “Er, yeah,” I fish the folder that to holds my resume out of my bag and hand it to Nick.

                   Nick shows no emotion as he starts reading my resumé and it scares me. What if I don't get the job? Then what will I do?

                   God, please help me get this job.

                    Well, I guess the decision is all up to Nick now.

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