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It had been 3 months since I last was in Ramlington Middle School, and I was not excited to go back. Its always ,"Read chapter 3" or, "Complete pages 14 and 15."

This year especially would be the worst because I had to take advanced algebra. I was just like ,"Why do I even need this crap? It's not like it's gonna help me later on in life or anything."

Mom was always saying stuff like,"Sissy, do your homework or you're grounded for life!" or,"Sissy, fix your grades or you're grounded for life!" I don't even think she has another excuse other than,"You're grounded for life!" I hated it when she did that.

My little sister, Brissia, on the other hand, ALWAYS got fantastic grades. It was like she invented the Homework Machine or something. Every time I got back from babysitting, she was already done all her school work, her chores, AND she had time before gymnastics class.

Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to have a normal family, like Sam does. Sam was my best friend. She had been my best friend since, like, pre-school.

She had 2 sisters, 1 brother, and a dog. She rescued it from a forest fire 2 years ago. I thought it was sweet, but she said it was no big deal. She was SO selfish, I swear. When I heard that I was like,"Girl, you are NOT Katy Perry!"

Now that I was in 7th grade, all my classes sucked. I had mean teachers, nasty lunches, and ugly boys. I wished I was back in elementary school, where everything was easy. No mean girls, easy homework, and awesome lunches.

Believe it or not, I used to like going to school. Back in 6th grade, when I was just getting used to middle school, everything seemed to be perfect. I was in gymnastics, I barley had homework, my fish, Gary, was still alive. The world was great. Then Mr. Lockwood just HAD to ruin my life. He made us all have seven sheets of homework each night, gross lunches, and, worst of all, he took away our recess. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Recess in middle school?" Yes, recess in middle school. It used to be my favorite part of the day, but now all I had is gym.

Well, I still had Sam. Whenever I needed her, she was always there for me. Even all those years ago, when I was the new girl in school, she was the one who sat next to me at lunch. She was the one who showed up for every gymnastics competition I ever had. She was the one who wiped my tears when Gary died 2 months ago. Geez, I guess I was lucky to have her.

Enough about Sam. Let's just go to the first day of school.

I hauled my bag onto my shoulder and raced into the school parking lot. The crisp air blasted my face and made my nose turn bright red. All I could think about was how easy it would be to just skip class and go back to elementary school, when my phone buzzed in my pocket.

I rummaged through my bag in search of my iPhone.

NEW MESSAGE blinked across the screen. It was Jasmine, my older brother Bobi's girlfriend:


I had just hit REPLY when a tall, muscular body slammed into me.

I went flying and my crap went with me.

"Watch where you're going!" I hollered.

Great. Just great. 2 minutes into school and I'm already a hot mess.

I scrambled for my phone, which i guessed was cracked by now. When my fingers finally grasped around it, I stood up as fast as I could. Brushing myself off, I turned the phone over to the screen side.


I almost jumped for joy.

"YASSS!!!!!! TURN DOWN FOR WHAT?!?!?!?!" I screamed. I started doing the sprinkler and then realized that I was in public.

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