Chapter 2

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On Monday morning I was exhausted. After an entire weekend of gymnastics competitions, I could barely keep my eyes open. But we still had to walk to school.

As I was strolling down the street, out of nowhere, Sam jumped on my back.


"I just found out that there is a new student!"

On the inside I was excited. In our school, there were only 2 kinds of kids. There were the rebels, and the nerds. I wondered which type this one would be.

First period math came in. Sam and I had almost all the same classes together, so of course we were side by side all the time.

After science class, we went to our lockers. They were on opposite sides of the hallway. My combination was super long, so I tried to get through it as fast as I could. Out of nowhere, Sam started racing towards me screaming her head off.

"You'll never guess what I just found out." she said.

I sighed. She did this everyday.

She explained to me that the new kid was in all of our classes. I had no idea how she knew all that stuff when the new kid didn't even come to school yet. She even had a picture of him!

I stared at the photo. He looked small, with long hair, dark blue eyes, and tan colored skin.

"OMG! He is so cute!"

I gaped at her. Neither of us had ever liked a boy before, and I was kind of disappointed that it wasn't me first.

She was in a trance until the next period started. Sam was kind of behind in her classes. She is always tired and she never payed attention. I didn't care that much, though.

That's how our relationship works. She wakes me up at the end of class, I tutor her and babysit her little sisters.

My train of thought was altered by the ear piercing bell. This time I had to wake Sam up.

"Bro," I said. "Wake up. Class is over."

She had drool dripping down the side of her cheek. I laughed and wiped it off on the edge of my sweater. Her bright red hair looked like a birds nest on fire.

"What I miss?" she grumbled.

" Not much. Just some notes on the water cycle."

Out of the blue, her expression got serious.

"Sis, I have to tell you something."

"Oh boy."I thought.

Whenever she called be "Sis", she meant business.

I hesitated.

"What is it?"

" I think I'm in love with the new kid."

I almost died right there on the spot.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. Ever since I looked up his picture, I haven't been able to get him off my mind. He was in my DREAM a couple minutes ago. He's our age, he's a straight A student, and his face.... His face is like walking into a big vat of warm chocolate, and then swimming in a pool on a hot Summer day."

All I could do was stare. Our whole lives, we have always been together. If she got a boyfriend, that would all be over. I started to panic. I couldn't let my best friend go. Not after almost six years together.

"Sis, are you alright?"

Her face was the last thing I saw.

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