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Brandon's POV

I was at Leigh's house and Edwin and Leigh was there.

"Then he just told me that we were nothing and will never be. I'm just his sugar baby and that's it" I sighed

"Imma beat his ass" Edwin said

"I think you should honestly leave him alone. I think you should go over there and talk to him" Leigh said

"Leigh, shut yo peaceful making ass up! Brandon, you is not going to let some shark head looking boy hurt you. We are going over to his house and I'm going to beat his ass" Edwin snapped

"First off, that's a bad idea. Brandon, who are you going to listen too? Because Edwin over here might get the cops called" Leigh said

"What the fuck is they going to do? No one is going to hurt my best friend. Brandon, gimme the keys" Edwin said

"Don't give it to him" Leigh sighed

"Guys, I think I should settle this" I said

"Good" He said

He snatched the keys from me and started to walk out of the door. Me and Leigh raced off him then Leigh grabbed the keys from him.

"Pregnant men can't drive" Leigh said

She opened the doors and got in the drivers seat.

"Pregnant men can't drive" Edwin mocked

I sighed then got into the car.


We made it back to Nick's house and Edwin got out of the car.

Me and Leigh walked behind him and Edwin started to bang on the door.


"Woah Ed, chill out" I said

Someone open the door and it's the same girl I dragged out of my house.

"Yo ass again. You gotta about 0.5 seconds to get out of my face" I threatened

"And what you finna do hoe?" She said

I grabbed her by the hair and threw her down on the ground. We walked inside and saw Nick on the couch watching TV.

He looked at us and paused his tv

"What?" He asked

"Shut the fuck up. I know what you did to my best friend, I don't want to hear no apologizes because I'm ready to beat yo sorry looking ass" Edwin snapped

"Woah Ed, I didn't do anything to you. First of all, Brandon was the main one acting crazy" Nick said

"How in the hell was I acting crazy?" I asked

"You ain't wanna interact, cuddle, go out, or get to know each other" Nick said

"That's because I'm still new to his home Nick! You don't understand what has happened in my life. The last time I told someone all about me, she used that information and turned it against me. I almost committed suicide because of that then she killed herself. You don't understand because you was born with rich parents, a nice neighborhood, nice house, and you never even struggled. So don't tell me I'm acting crazy because you're the one who been acting crazy" I said

"Brandon-" He said

"No, don't say nothing sense you seem to know everything" I said

"Nick you lucky this time that I didn't hurt yo ass" Edwin said

"Yea you wouldn't because you're pregnant" Nick said

"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I cannot beat yo ass. Don't try me Nick" Edwin snapped

"Alright" He sighed

"Let's go brandon. We have places to be" Edwin said

"What places? You said we wasn't going anywhere" Leigh said

"Leigh shut the fuck up!" Edwin yelled

"I was just saying" Leigh mumbled


i need more characters to this book.

any ideas?

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