Chapter 13

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The next morning as well as the next couple of days her father did not miss a sec of him telling Millie how much of a disgrace she is to the family.

He constantly tells her that she needs to be #1 at everything.

She would cry in her room for hours and she began to self harm again. She had new fresh cuts on her right arm. She was currently sitting down on the bathroom floor holding the blade that had dried blood. She had just finished making new cuts and was sitting there as the blood trickled down her skin to the floor, she felt numb.

She was drawn out of her day dream by a knock on the door. She stands up a little to quickly feeling a bit light headed causing her to drop the towel rack.

"Are you okay?" she knew that voice, Finn.

She turned on the water washing away the blood "I'm okay" she says hoping he was able to hear her over the water.

She quickly bandaged her wrist and covered it with a robe that she tied around her waist. She then cleaned up the blood that was on the white tiles. She finally exits the bathroom and walks into her room.

"What were you doing in there?" Finn asks once she is out

"When you go to the restroom what do you normally do" she says making him roll his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" he shrugs 

"Your bed is comfortable. Also didn't feel like walking home." 

"Finn why did you help me. You saved me from getting hit at the party why?"

"I don't know. I just- no one should be abused by a parent." he says knowing exactly how it felt.

She nods, she doesn't want to bombard him questions so she pulls the covers over her and turns the other way after saying "Good night" and turns off the light.


She's at the beach, standing on a rock cliff looking as the waves crashed into the rocks. The wind blew making her hair cover her face making her shiver. She looked around, there was no one at the beach except her. The sky was filled with clouds making it seem like it was about to rain.

All of a sudden she's pushed into the ocean making her go deep down. She tries to reach the surface but can't it's as if something was pulling her down. Maybe it's the weight of everything that she holds in. 

She could no longer breath, making her drown and letting her lifeless body sink deeper and deeper into the ocean. She couldn't be saved.

She wakes up gasping for air, startling Finn. 

"Are you okay?" he asked groggily, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, i'm sorry I woke you"

"Are you sure you're okay?

"I'm fine" she says lying of course, she's not fine. She can't be saved.

She wants to tell him but she doesn't, she lies just like she lies about having a perfect life. Always faking everything, making everyone else think that her life is amazing, perfect. There she is lying all over again to the boy that she knows might understand how she feels, but what she doesn't know is that he's the only person that'll understand.


This was trash, sorry

Next chapter should be better

THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND BEING PATIENT WITH ME, i've decided to not discontinue it (as of rn) but it'll most likely have slow updates.

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT

byeeee <3

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