chapter 16

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WARNING: If topics like self harm, depression, suicide, drugs, trigger you then it's best you don't continue.


It's been a week since Finn and Millie talked or seen each other. A week since he brought her back home. Millie is back at school with her injured leg that is still recovering. She can no longer cheer until her leg has fully healed, which she has no problem with.

Everyone has heard of her little disappearance moment making many people whisper about her. She sighed as she closed her locker holding onto her crutches, she looked to her right seeing the boy that she can't stop thinking about, Finn Wolfhard.

Finn Wolfhard, the only person she has been thinking about non stop. She doesn't know why she just can't seem to get him out her head. She's sure that he's not thinking about her at all, he doesn't care about her.

She hates the fact that Finn brought her back home, back to where she had escaped from. She wanted to be done with the beating, the name calling, she just wanted to leave and never go back. She would rather be dead than be back home with her abusing father.

While she's there thinking about him, he's just down the hallway making out with Maddie. She knows he's using her and she doesn't mind since she's making out with Finn Wolfhard. Just knowing the fact that she has him and gets to make every girl jealous is a big deal for her.

Millie sighed closing her locker, holding her bag balancing it with the crutches she had on one of her side. Luckily for her she wasn't going to be needing to use her crutches all the time. 

"Hey sorry for being late I was with Caleb" Sadie said as she grabbed Millie's book bag from her.

"It's fine" she replied looking at her blue eyes and away from the curly haired boy that was just a few feet away from her.

"Come on let's go get some food, i'm starving" said Sadie.

They both made it to the cafeteria, Millie sat down at the table waiting for Sadie to come back with both of their foods. The redhead then came with the food placing it on the table.

"Hey babe" said Caleb kissing Sadie's cheek, making Sadie smile. "So are you two going to the football game?" he asked as he placed his tray of food on the table, sitting next to his girlfriend.

"Is Finn going to be there?" asked Millie making both have a confused expressions

"Why do you care if he's there? I thought you didn't like him." questioned Sadie

"I don't I just, I just wanted to know if he was playing or not" said Millie who was playing with her salad. The rest of lunch she dozed off not really paying attention to Sadie who was telling a story instead she was starring at the table where Finn was at.


It was finally Friday and both Millie and Sadie as well as the  rest of the students were at the football game. Sadie was wearing one of Caleb's jerseys cheering him on. At some point during the game Sadie went running to the field when he scored a touch down.

She was left alone, she looked to her right to see Maddie a couple of seats away from her. Finn had gone to her, they both noticed her staring at them. Maddie pulled Finn closer to him giving him a kiss. They both look towards her way, she just gives them a thumbs up and then looks away when they go back to kissing.

Millie looks away a small frown forming on her face, at that moment she just wanted to mute her thoughts and feelings. 

After an hour has gone by the football team had successfully won once again with the winning touch down that Finn had scored. Due to them winning there was going to be a celebratory party for them and everyone was invited. 

Bad idea//fillieWhere stories live. Discover now