"It's time"

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"No, no, please, give him a few more hours,please" i begged him.

"I'm sorry but if he didnt woke up until now, he probably will never wake up" he said while i started to sob.

"No, please , he will wake up I can feel it, im begging you .please.. "

I sobbed harder.

He can't let him go, he can't.

He is my rock, MY KID'S FATHER.

"Okay.. ONLY two hours. When he WON'T wake up, then, I will disconnect him"

"Thank you.." I said, but I knew it didnt matter..

I asked the doctor to see him, my Willy. I can't accept the fact that maybe this will be the last time I see him.

I got to the door of his room, and took a deep breath.


I saw him and the tears started to fall..

"Oh god, Wilmer.. Why youre doing this to me?

im so tired and empty.

Why can't you just wake up ?

Please, I know you can hear me.

I can't imagine my life without you.. "

Suddenly, I found it hard to breathe..

He can't do this to me.

"Dont give up, please DON'T GIVE UP. 



I hit his chest and cried .

I picked up my head and looked at the clock, nearly two hours passed.

What to do?

God, im so tired.

Thats it?

Is that the end?

He is gonna die?

I laid my head on Wilmer's bed and closed my eyes.


The doctor entered the room. "Take a few minutes to say goodbye to him, I know it's hard."

"Fuck you" I said quickly.  I dont know why I said that, I guess I was too mad. 

He can't just say that he knows its hard, he's not loosing the love of his life.

I am.

Its my life.

Its my fucking life.

"I will disconnect him in 2 minutes" The doctor said.


I screamed .

"Say something, give me a sign.

Just do something, please "

Why im even trying?

He won't wake up.

Its over, my life is over.

The doctor looked at the clock.. "It's time".

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