"Bye Demi"

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I left the room and I could hardly breathe. Why? Why is this happening to me? First of all the accident and now this? Oh god.. Why?

Wilmer's p.o.v

Why I feel so bad?

Im so confused. Who is she? And why shes saying all those things?

Demi's p.o.v

My whole world is falling apart .. I am so tired, so empty .. I miss him .. why all this had to happen? Just when we were about to get married .. and the baby... what should I do now? He must remember me. He can't throw all these years.. He can't throw us.

Wilmer's p.o.v

I can't stop thinking about what happened .. something about this woman ..

What's happening to me? I need to know. Why is she saying all those things? Who is she? And what she wants from me? Is she telling the truth? I have to talk with her..

Demi's p.o.v

Im so broken. My life is a fucking mess.. Tears fell down my face.

He used to be there, when I was breaking down.. But now, he's gone.

Im absolutely alone.


"Hey" suddenly I heared a familliar voice talking.

I turned back, and it was him.

"Hey.. " I said. So confused, dont know what he is doing here. Next to me.

Maybe.. he remember me?

"Im sorry about earlier."

He said and looked at the floor.

"Its okay, I can understand you. You lost your memory, you don't know who I am " I said and started to cry.

He didnt say anything.

And then, he came closer.

"Listen i..I dont know what to say..

Im just so confused, I .. "

He came closer to my face and looked at me.

I looked at him back, and the only thing I wanted was to kiss him.

I want him, I want us back.

"I want you to tell me everything"

He suddenly said.

"What do you want to know? " I asked him.

"Everything. About you, about us..

Who are you, whats your name, how exactly we met .. EVERYTHING.

Please, im leaving the hospital tomorrow and I want you to come to my house so we can talk. Okay? "

"Our house.. We lives together Wilmer.. " i answerd .

"Oh.. Um" I could see he was so confused.

I just wanted to cry, I cant believe he cant remember anything about me.

I held the tears and the only thing i wanted was to run from this place.

"So.. I will be there, tomorrow. "

I answerd him quicly and walked to the door.

"Bye Demi"

My heart stopped. What?

Did he just said..




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