Chapter 15: An old friend

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Ryan was buried deep into the latest report of GRIID performance. All the figures showed a significant improvement. Revenues had increased 138% in the last 6 months, since the launch of Cursor technology. There had been no criticism either from business partners or from the individual users.

There was a knock at the door.

'Hi dude,' Ryan heard as he turned back to see who had come to meet him. It was Shaan, the old acquaintance from Malaysia. The scenes of a tumbling airplane and eventual rescue by Chris the Cursor floated before Ryan's eyes.

'Hi, Shaan .. it has been a long time,'

'yes really, you have grown are a successful man.'

'what successful, what do you mean just fooling around,'

Ryan and Shaan sat down next to each other on the round table. Though they were meeting after a long time the warmth of their close friendship could be felt on their faces. Shaan being aware of Ryan's potential wanted to congratulate him when the Mega-event but he could not do so because he was busy with his doctorate thesis. Though Shaan wanted to congratulate him from the innermost core of his heart somewhere deep down it did not match his intuition. Shaan was clever enough in hiding his intuition so he asked about Megan-

'Well I did not see Megan. Where is she?'

'Well she is busy with her own research these days.. I myself have not met her for quite some time.'

'is everything all right.. if it is ok to ask this..'

'Yep it's fine. Well you did not tell about your stuff. Where you were busy these days.. '

'Well I ... I was busy with my research in fundamental sciences .. and'


'and meditation practice.'

'I know.. you did tell about it during our awful trip to Malaysia.. that Akasi records ..'

'you still remember..?'

'yes how can I forget that fateful trip... I generally do not forget what I don't believe..'

'hmm.. very soon I am going to complete my doctorate in physics and thereafter I shall relocate to my native country.'

'What..!! you are doing so much hard work.. you can ask my Cursor it has the answer to all your questions.' Ryan opened the WordPages and wrote isn't it dear Chris.' Chris the Cursor only blinked.

'Sure it must have but finding the answers to most important questions of nature on your own has a different meaning... you reach a different level of satisfaction. You know Ryan when I think about the problem in hand sometimes I am so intensely engrossed by it that the thoughts disappear and I reach a state where there is no difference between me and my thoughts. I become the Problem and I become the Hypothesis, I become the Experiment, I become the Observation and then I become the Solution .. the answer to my own question.. in some sense the 'I' which was asking the questions and raising the Problem dissolves into Hypothesis, Experiment, Observation and then the 'I' transforms into a Solution.'

'Thanks for summarizing the scientific method for me but make sure the Solution is a valid one... Shaan you know you sound more like an oriental philosopher than a scientist..'

'I am pretty ok with it.'

Ryan frowned and stood up to bring coffee for the two. Shaan adored the house decoration. A photograph of a dog wagging its tail and sucking Ryan's face caught his attention.

'Shaan this coffee is pure Malaysian.. can you try it.,' Rian said putting a coffee mug in front of Shaan.

'I would love to I like Indonesian coffee.' After he had a few sips. 'It's great.'

'Shaan, I know only you understand the difference between great coffee and good coffee.'

'by the way is this your pet..?' asked Shaan pointing to the photograph of Dodji.

'yes it is Dodji.. my favorite.'


'Shaan let me tell my next plan.. '

'Oh... really it will grandiose..'

'I am planning to launch an update to Cursors. It has been a while since the CursorTech was launched. It is popular is becoming more so day by day. But you know updates are the backbones of the industry.'

'I completely agree with you... I think sometimes these software engineers write software so that they are able to launch more updates rather than the product itself.'

Ryan told Shaan that he is going to launch an upgrade to Cursors to have the capacity to understand what the user wants through its facial gesture expressions. Cursors would execute the commands without User even typing it or even using voice commands. Later even typing will not be required. Shaan not very impresses at this told him to let the mankind remain able enough to command things on their own.

Megan just comes in.

'Oh, Nice to meet you Megan, after such a long time.'

Megan shook hands with Shaan. Ryan offered another cup of coffee to Megan.

'Shaan, I am not asking you how you because I know you would be fine and working hard on your research and meditation but what happened to your gun hobby ..I am interested in knowing that..' asked Megan while sipping from her coffee cup and hiding her grin at its disgusting taste.

'Well I am trying to keep it could be dangerous here ..,' said Shaan winking from the side of his eyes.

'I know..,'

'Well, dear friends thanks for hosting me... it was nice meeting you all after a long time. I wish best to both of you.'

'Please be in touch..,' Said Megan.

'with me too..' said Ryan.

Shaan waved hands and was ready to leave after saying let's meet again.

'You did not change your signature style?' Ryan said.

'No dude, let's meet again.'

'Megan I needed to talk to you?' asked Ryan.

'about what?'


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