❦Chapter 3: The music teacher❦

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Alois P.O.V

"Hello? Hey, stupid brat get up."

"Mmnf..." I groaned, opening my eyes and rolling over, "What's the- Hey! That fucking hurt!" I exclaimed as I was hit over the head. Hard.

"I said get the hell up, I have to leave for work and your mother asked me to take you to school on the way. I'm not going to be late." He scowled, turning on his heel and leaving the room.

"What a bitch..." I mumbled, getting out of bed and putting on my clothes.

I packed my bag and ran downstairs, ruffling Luka's hair as I ran around getting my things.

"Aloe! Mornin'." He giggled as I rushed around.

"Oh hurry up." Claude spat, waiting at the front door.

"I didn't ask the opinion of an asshole. Keep quiet." I spat back, pulling on my checkered vans, "Bye Luka! Be nice!" I exclaimed, smiling at him as I walked out the door and toward the car.

"I don't want you to infect my car with your filth so keep your hands away from the front and stay in the back seat." Claude said cooly, shooting me a glare as I entered the back seat.

"Oh infecting this car is the least of your worries, I might bite you instead and give you rabies." I scowled, crossing my arms and poking out my tongue as he got in and started the car.

Honestly he's such a dick head, it's like to him I'm not even human. Ironically he doesn't act like a human either and he's so cold about everything while my mother is so warm and loving, he doesn't deserve her. I'd also rather walk to school but of course I don't want to upset my mother after all she's done for us.

I just sat there silently as we entered the school gate in his yellow sports car and I pretended not to notice all the stares, ones of both approval and disapproval.

"Have an awful day." He smirked, as I got out of the car and slung my bag over one shoulder.

"That's so sweet of you, I hope you're killed on the way to work." I said, scowling at him and speed-walking through the school gates.

As soon as I walked through the school gates, my mood was lifted by a gorgeous little bluenette as he approached me shyly and waved. He's so beautiful.

"Ciel..." I had to hold back my tears of joy after such a shit morning. He's like my angel.

"H-Hello..." He said hesitantly, "I hope it's okay that I waited for you."

"Ciel, that's really nice thank you." I smiled warmly.

"I was talking with Grell before since I got to school early, he said you'd like it if I waited for you so..." He trailed off, turning a bit pink.

"Thanks. I had a shit morning, you made it a lot better." I laughed, "Let's go." I said, placing my hand on his back and lightly easing him through all the people.

"So now I can introduce you to my friends," I said softly as we walked to the rose gardens, "They should be here about now."

Ciel's P.O.V

As we walked through the small white gate that lead to the rose gardens, we walked straight, turned a corner and were met with a bunch of people sitting on one of the white marble benches.

One of them had red velvet coloured hair that came down to her tailbone, and she had bright green eyes much like Senior Grell's appearance. One of the boys that sat beside her had dusty blonde hair, his fringe had small red clips on it and he looked really friendly, along with another girl who had purply-red hair and wore big round glasses. The last person there was a rather mature looking guy, he had blonde hair and a cigarette in between his two fingers before be brought it up to his mouth and took a puff.

"Everyone, this is Ciel Phantomhive." Alois grinned.

All of them looked at me weirdly at first then began smiling at me, the blonde with the clips even held out his fist and I bumped it.

"Hello! I'm Finny!" The dusty blonde said, smiling.

"Oh, uh, hey I'm Bard." The mature looking one said.

"Ohh he's so cute! I'm Meyrin but you can just call me Rin." The Purply-red haired girl exclaimed cheerfully, shaking my hand.

I stared toward the red haired girl and my eyes widened at her expression, she just stared at me in awe before running up to me and wrapping me up in a suffocating hug.

"S-So... CUTE!" She exclaimed, letting me go, "I'm Scarlet, my older brother Grell told me so much about you! He said he met a really cute friend of Alois'." She giggled.

"U-Uh thank you, it's nice to meet all of you." I said, as confidently as I could manage.

"See? I promised all of you that I'd introduce him and what's better is he's coming to the party tonight and stopping off at mine with you guys beforehand." Alois chuckled, smirking at me.

"Yay!" Finny exclaimed, earning a smile of approval from everyone else.

"Trust me it's going to be so much fun!" Meyrin said cheerfully.

Bard and Scarlet nodded enthusiastically before the bell rang for the first period. All of blondie's friends began to chatter and walk to class after waving Alois and I goodbye, leaving the two of us.

"So, whatcha got?" He asked, smiling at me as I checked my schedule.

"Math..." I sighed.

"Well I'll see you at lunch!" He exclaimed, waving as he made his way to class.

"Yeah, see ya blondie..." I muttered, walking to math class.

Once I got there I just sat at the back like I normally do and pulled out my books as my math teacher began the lesson. Of course I was in the highest math class, and topping it, but I just felt so alone in the classes where I didn't have my friends...Or Alois. I've never really experienced so much chemistry with one person ever, it's so strange and pleasant at the same time, he's an idiot and he always disrupts my train of thought. I sighed and stopped day dreaming, looking forward at the board and copying down the work.

After finishing my math work in silence, the bell rang for the second period and I checked my schedule. Great, music. Possibly the only subject that challenges me aside from P.E which I don't give a damn about. I packed my things away and brushed past people to make my way to music. Although on my way I heard some irritating buzzing as people came out of music.

"Oh believe me he was extremely handsome..."

"So gorgeous! I'd marry him..."

"He is perfect, the hottest teacher on campus, the world even..."

What the hell? Who are they talking about? Oh I bet he's a real prick, whenever the girls begin to fuss over a 'hot' teacher it means they either can't teach, or they're a prick. Most of the time it's both, and I honestly did not have the energy for an awful teacher.

Pushing through a large crowd of female students I entered my usual music room, when I turned my head to see what they were fussing over I-


What on earth was he doing here? Why is he my music teacher and why is he allowing these stuck up girls to fuss over him like that?

I glared at him and he noticed, gently easing through the crowd of fan girls and entering the class room with a smirk.

"Why hello class," He began, a loud eruption of squealing filling the room and then going quiet with anticipation toward his next sentence, "My name is Mr Michaelis, your new music teacher. Unfortunately your previous music teacher has fallen ill and she won't be better for a while, therefore I'm taking her place temporarily. Let's do our best this term." He said, bowing and sitting down at his desk as the squealing and buzzing began again.

I groaned, glaring at him as often as I could so he knew how displeased I was. What a jerk, if he thinks he's going to get away with this he is sorely mistaken.

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