❦Chapter 9: French Wine❦

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Hello my wonderful readers, voters and commenters. I give you all my most sincerest apologies for not updating recently, it was purely because I've been away on holidays and the wifi where I am is extremely crappy. Oh and all the reads and votes are amazing, it really brightens my day when I see how many reads and votes I have, not to mention the hilarious comments. Thank you so, so much. Now enough blabbering, I really hope you enjoy this chapter though, because I love you all so much!~

Ciel's P.O.V

I didn't really know what to do about this situation. I just lay silently in bed thinking about what might happen in the morning. I'm very inexperienced in relationships and I just don't know how to help him. It's unlikely a few small intimate gestures are enough to really fix him, so if he came here solely for my help then I'm stuck.

I'm so useless. He's helped me so much in less than a week and I can't return the favour. He's my boyfriend now, that thought alone makes my head spin. I can't help but think about how he's in the room next to me, probably sound asleep while I'm here wallowing in my own self pity. It's kind of pathetic. I just decide to ignore my head right now and try to get some sleep because I have a weird feeling that something will happen tomorrow, I don't know if it will be good or bad, only that it will emotionally tire me out.


I heard a noise as my eyes fluttered open, squinting slightly as they met with fresh morning rays from my window. The noise sounded again, it was a familiar whisper.


It was Alois.

I jolted upright and turned my head to face the door, forcing back an eager smile as I saw him push the door open. He was innocently wrapped up in a warm looking blanket from the guest room and he shuffled nervously toward me as our eyes met.

"Hey there." I said softly, patting the space beside me.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you..." He said, almost whispering it.

I felt my face soften as he sat hesitantly beside me, avoiding my gaze. Instead of replying with empty words I just pulled him into a warm hug. It isn't a thing the real me would normally do, but I felt like it was the best thing to do for him, he needs to know I care.

"What the hell..." He chuckled softly, "How are you so bloody warm?" He finished, snuggling into my chest.

I just shrugged, lightly kissing his ear which made him shudder a little.

"Again I'm...really sorry for just rocking up here like that..." He said softly.

"Look blondie, if-" I paused, thinking about the right words to say, "If I didn't want you here, I would have kicked you out already. I want you here..."

"Then would it be alright if we kissed again?" He asked sweetly, leaning his face closer to mine.

How can I refuse? He's always so immature and childish despite being older than me, normally this would irritate the hell out of me but for some reason because its him...it doesn't. It's one of the things I like about him.

I nodded and leaned in, feeling a warm connection as our lips pressed together. I felt him smile into the kiss, which filled me with an enormous sense of delight.

Alois P.O.V

I love it how our lips move in perfect rhythm every time, it's like our lips were made for each other like a jigsaw puzzle. He's always so warm, it makes me happy.

We pulled away for air and I had to fight back a desperate whine before looking into his beautiful eyes...I love purple and blue. We are magical together, I can feel it, like the spark before the fireworks explode into those beautiful warm colours.

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