Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophilia 332

60 8 7

There is a cornucopia of multisyllabic words. Honoríficabilitudinitatibus is quintessential and it also the longest word featuring alternating consonants and vowels.

I'm not here to quodilibetificate y'all, so any hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliaphobiac, is quite unencumbered to exit.

So, I'm currently ensconced in a brobdingnagian hotel because of my xenodocheinology but the architecture is a tad discombobulating. I'm already in floccinaucinihilipilification about it anyways.

To my left side is a pulchritudinous callipygian who is convalescent from pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

The room to my right is occupied by a grandiloquent, misodoctakleidist, rhinotilexomaniac who constantly gasconades. I'm excogitating the defenestration of his self to unencumber all of us of him.

Opposite me resides a boondoggle-ish homosapien. From his loquaciousness I learnt that he is triskaidekaphobic from Llanfairpiollgioyngyllgogerchucyrndrobiollllantysiliogogogoch in Welsh. He's also sesquipedalian like me. It was a honorificabilitudinitatibus to associate with him and I learnt a lot from him. To epitomize: quindecasyllabic means 'having fifteen syllables'.

Today we are discussing antidisestablishmentarianism and pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism.

I'm not making this enervating circumlocution just to discombobulate you, but here's one more: did you know that;the word 'cwtch' is the longest word entirely of consonants, 'euouae' the longest word entirely of vowels, and, 'rotovator' the longest palindrome?

Well, I've come to the anagnorisis that I have to stop now to join my fellow fumnambulators, so, I bid you a eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious goodbye.

Layman's translation: Loading . . . . .

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