a confrontation

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Second night working at the bar and I'm stuck with Felix again

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Second night working at the bar and I'm stuck with Felix again.

"I didn't realise we'd have so many shifts together," I tell him. I look at this week's shifts once more. "And by 'so many', I mean all of them."

He grins rather innocently, showcasing those dimples of his. "I put a word in with Christian. Because gosh dang, Brooke. I feel like we might just be best friends!"

"Fuck off, Felix." I push him lightly on the shoulder. "Why did you put us on all the same shifts?"

He laughs and covers his mouth with his hand. "Because I'm really selfish and I find it really funny when you shout at customers for flirting with you."

I grab a cloth from the side and begin whipping him with it. "How." Hit. "Dare." Hit. "You!" Hit.

"Stop!" He yells, covering his face and trying to grab the rag with his other hand.

He ends up being successful and begins hitting me back. "Hey! We have customers! You're making a scene." I laugh through my words, knowing that no one will really be paying attention to us over the music or their own conversations.

"You're forgetting something, Brooke. I don't care!" He grins like a maniac before throwing the cloth around my waist and pulling me towards him.

I grip the fabric and try to prevent him from pulling me like a horse. "Felix! Stop fucking around at work!"

"She's right. Stop fucking around with my girlfriend at work."

I whip my head around to see Harry sitting at the bar with a look that could kill. I smile at him, to ease the tension and move towards him once Felix has dropped the rag. "Harry, I'm so happy to see you! You didn't tell me you were coming." I lean across the bar and put my hand on his.

He rips it away.

"You think you can fuck off to work and start shagging this prick behind my back?!" He slams down on the bar with his fist causing me to stand up straight and recoil from him.

"Woah, dude! We weren't doing anything!" Felix defends and I can't help but sigh.

"Thank you, Felix. But you're kind of not helping," I hiss to him before talking to Harry. "Haz, he's my friend, we didn't do anything. But if you're going to get heated about this why don't we talk outside?" I offer.

"Nah, man. This is fucked. Act like you're coming here to earn dosh to pay for the flat and I find you in here with this dick." He gestures to Felix aggressively and I know I have to calm him down, and quickly at that.

"Harry, please at least come speak to me away from all these people." I place my hand on his arm and he gives me a solitary nod.

He follows me to the side of the room.

"Please hear me out, Harry. I wasn't doing anything with Felix. I don't want to ruin what we have, okay. I love you, Haz and you are the only one I want to be with. Please say you understand." I plead with my eyes, my hands holding his in a calming measure.

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