Chapter 10

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(A/N - Lissa's baby was born a bit too early.Rose has been gone for 8 months.) 


I have been gone for 8 months.I've been living in Turkey for 5 month.And i'm the godmother of Lissa's newborn child,Andrew.I still keep track of Tasha.About a few weeks ago she caught me "spying" on her with Roman.She put us in underground of an abandoned house.She tortured me badly and Roman too,but mostly me.

"I thought i warned you.Now,you just makes things worst.I'm going to kill all your precious friends back at Court and then i'll kill you." She threatened me as she placed the blade on my cheek.

"Why? Why are you doing this to us? Why are you doing this to me?!" I screamed at her face.She smirked cruelly.

"Let's see,"  she removed the blade and i let out a small breath."You took Dimitri away from me.I was going to have a family with him!" This time,she's the one screaming at my face."You stole him from me.Then you got me in prison!"

"Woah,woah,hold up.That's your fault! Don't blame it on me!I'm the one who you framed." I growled.

"And because of you,i got into jail.Lucky me,i have..connections.You brought this to yourself.And now your friends have to pay for it." Her cruel smirk got wider.

"What about Christian huh? You're gonna kill him too?" She might aswell turn Strigoi,since there's no soul left in her. 

"I decided that i'm going to turn and then i'll turn him too" She said like it's not a big matter.

"You wouldn't.." I gasped.

"Yes,i would.Rose,when are you going to realize that Strigoi are increasing,and soon enough they're gonna take down the whole Moroi world.And i'd like to be on the winning team."  

"You'rea horrible person."

"Don't i know it," She smiled cruelly.Then,she slid the blade down my cheek and i grunted in pain.After that,she left.Then,Roman burst in,unchained me.And we got out.We have been more careful since then.

Roman is my friend.He's an unpromised guardian.I met him in Turkey,4 months ago.He lives with me now since he had no place to go.He was from Seattle.Tall,Dirty blond hair,grey eyes.He's 25.We have grown closer since we escaped.

"Hey," Roman said as he came into my room with two hot chocolates in hand.He handed me the hot-chocolate.

"Thanks," I said as i took it.I told him everything about me just after a few weeks.And he is just like a brother to me now.

"You'e okay? You've been staring off into space lately."  His voice laced with worry.I smiled at him warmly.

"I'm fine," I sigh."I'm just missing them.." 

"And worrying." He stated."Look,they're fine.I'm sure they are."

"I know Lissa is.But what about Christian and Dimitri..." I said,frustrated. They have been searching for me for months.They still don't know where i am.And God knows,where they are.

"You said yourself that Christian is an awesome fire user," I did and i'm never gonna admit that in front of him."And Dimitri,you said he's a god-like dhampir," He chuckles and i laughed.I miss Dimitri the most.I miss his voice,his touch,his lips,his scent,all of him."I know you miss them and you will reunite with them sooner or later.I know you want me to stay out of this but it's too late now.Tasha already knows me," My face slightly turns guilty."No.Don't.It's not your fault.Rose,i've grown attached to you for these past 4 months and i'm wiling to risk my life for yours.I care about you.And i- we will pay Tasha for what she did to us.We will find a way to end her." He said,confidently and that instantly made me feel better.Then,my phone rings.

"It's Sydney," I said to Roman then answer it."Hey Syd," I waited for her to greet me back but she didn't."Syd?" I grew worried.Roman too looks at me worriedly."Sydney? You there?"

Then finally an answer.

"Roza,is that really you?" He said breathlessly.My heart stopped.It's him.

"D-Dimitri.." I whispers.It's been so long since i heard his voice.It brought back the warm fuzzy feeling back.Roman watch me closely.

"How are you?" He asks.

"I'm fine," I sigh."Dimitri,where's Sydney? Is she okay?"

"She's fine.Adrian told us that she has been helping you and no,she didn't told us where you are.She refused."That's my Sydney."Will you please tell me where you are now?"

"I'm sorry Dimitri.I love you," I heard his breath caught when i said that."But no.I love you." I said then hung up.Tears welling up in my eyes,Roman hugs me comfortingly.I cling on to him."It's been so long since i've heard his voice.."

"I know." He kissed my head."Come on,it's better get some sleep." He wipes away my tears."Okay?" I nodded.He kisses my cheek then left.

I changed into shorts and a black tank top.I struggled to sleep,about 20 minutes later i finally drifted off to sleep.Only to get woken up,screaming 2 hours later.Usual nightmares.Mainly it's about the people i cared getting killed viciously.Mostly Roman and it scared the heck out of me.Roman rush to my side and cooed me.I slowly calm down.

"It's okay Rose.I'm right here.You're safe.I'm safe.It's okay." He said as he brushed my hair.I lay my head down in his chest."Sleep Rose," About 5 minutes later i fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up to the smell of bacon.I quickly got up then went to the kitchen.

"I smell bacon,where is it?" I said quickly.Roman laughed.

"It's on the table in front of the tv.Save me some!" I was already running when he said save.

"Thanks,love you bro!" I yelled.

"Love you too!" He yelled back with a chuckle.This is like our morning routine.

Roman's bacons are the best.Maybe as good as Dimitri's.They know how to cook.This is so good.

"Hey,i said save me some." Roman said after he saw the plate that was full of bacon now only have 2 left.

"You said some." I said as i took another bite of my bacon.

He sighs and shook his head."How could you eat that much? Now,i have to go make some more." 

I got up and kissed him on the cheek."You know i have a big appetite." He chuckles.

"That i do." Then,the doorbell rings."I'll get it."

I sat back down on the couch and return to watch the tv.I don't understand the language but i did pick up some of the words.

"Rose," Said Roman.

"Who is it?" I asked,my eyes are still on the tv.He clears his throat."What?" I said then turn to look at him and realized that there's two guys behind him.Christian and Dimitri.I stood up slowly.Roman rubs his neck.My eyes locked with Dimitri.

"You're here..." I whispers,shocked.

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