Chapter 1 - Last Chances and Last Dances

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Authors Note-

This chapter contains spoilers for Austin and Ally Last Chances and Last Dances. I would recommend watching the episode first if you don't like spoilers : D Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or incorrect grammer! Also I'm from Britain so some words may be a little different.

Laura's pov-

Ok this is it. We are filmig the final part of Last Chances and Last Dances. We have been filming it out of sequence so the last part we film is the kissing scene and yes this time me and Ross actually kiss. I'm super excited but really nervous at the same time because this will be my first kiss. And everyone is watching and I mean everyone. My parents and Ross's parents are here and my sister and all of R5 + Ryland. I'm not sure why they all want to watch but it's making me more nervous knowing they are watching us.

Kevin- Ok Ross, Laura are you guys ready to do this?

Ross- Yep!

Laura- As ready as i'll every be!

Ross's pov

Wow Laura sounds really nervous well i guess it's only normal because it is her first kiss. But not many people knows it's actually my first kiss as well. Well my mum knows but i think she's the only one. So I'm pretending to be really calm but I'm probably as nervous as she is.

Heath- Action!

Ross/Austin - I've always liked you I guess i never stopped.

Laura/Ally - I feel the same way. I've always dreamt of going to prom with the perfect guy and the perfect guy is you.

Ross/Austin - So i know i did't bring a horse or fireworks or anything and i know it's a little late but would you be my prom date?

Laura/Ally - Yes

Laura's pov

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Rydel fangirling which made me even more nervous. Ross began to lean in and I did the same. Eventually our lips met and it felt like fireworks had literally gone off inside of me. It was incredible!

Ross's pov

Our lips met and it felt amazing! I had never felt like this before! Ever! I didn't want it to end but then i remembered that Heath said that the kiss shouldn't last more than a few second and i'm pretty sure that we had kissed for way longer. Laura must have thought the same because we both began to pull away. I could see my whole family going wild. I guess it was very obvious that we had kissed for way longer than a few seconds. Then i thought how could i explain that we went over without everyone thinking we liked each other? I couldn't so i made a quick desicion to run away. Which was probably a stupid idea but i couldn't think of anything else and besides i don't really think i could talk to any one after that.

Laura's pov

I knew we had gone over a few seconds which Kevin and Heath both said should be the maximum. What do i do? I can't just stand here and stare at Ross,which i was currently doing and he was staring back. So i did the first thing i thought which was run. At almost the exact same time we both turned and ran. I ran as fast as i could to my dressing room. I don't know where Ross ran to but i'm guessing he ran to his dressing room too.

Rydel's pov

OMG! Ross and Laura just kissed for a really long time! About 15 seconds which dosn't sound long but it felt long! Just as i was about to start shouting with joy they pulled away. Then stared at each other which was really cute but then i wasn't expecting this. At the exact same time they both turned in oposite directions and ran. I have no idea what they were doing. I could only think of two reasons why they would do such a thing. Either it was really good or really bad,Personally i think it was really good because it lasted soo long!

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