Chapter 7 - Adorable couple

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--------Back at the Lynch's house--------
Rydel's PoV
Rocky had been trying for hours to get Ross and Laura to answer our video chat request and it wasn't working. So the rest of us were just sat chatting.

Ratliff- why won't they answer!!!

Vanessa- Well would you answer some one who just tried to embarrass you?

Ratliff- *mumbles under his breath* no

Riker- Wait did we ever tell Ross about us?

Vanessa- Errr I don't think so?

Riker- Yeah we should probably tell him

Ross- (from the other end of the video call) Tell me what?

Rydel- Oh hey, when did you guys answer the video call?

Ross- A few minutes ago, we got sick of the constant buzzing coming from my laptop. Anyway Riker, what did you need to tell me?

Riker- ......... Hey Vanessa why don't you tell him?

Vanessa- He asked you not me! Anyway Laura why don't you tell him

Laura- Don't drag me into this, I have my own problems to deal with

Ross- like what? *in a concerned voice*

Laura- you know exactly what I'm on about.

Ross- Ok, I don't care who tells me but can someone please tell me what's going on

Rydel- Riker and Vanessa are dating!!!

Ross- Really?....* notices Laura smiling* Wait you already new!!!

Laura- Yeah I was the first

Ross- I can't believe you didn't tell me!!! I think the tickle monster will have something to say about this!

Ross's PoV

As soon as I said that we were up and running around the room. Laura was quick but I caught up with her eventually and started tickling her.

Laura- (between laughing) Ross... Stop..please!!!!

Ross- Not until you say I'm amazing!

Laura- Never!!!

Laura's PoV

I got out of Ross's grasp and began running again but I didn't notice my bag on the floor and tripped. I closed my eyes waiting to hit the floor but it never came, I open my eyes and saw Ross holding me. He placed me back down on the floor.

Ross- Nice catch if I do say so myself

I gave him a friendly punch on the arm before walking back over to the bed where the laptop was.

Rydel- Hey guys welcome back!

Ross- Yeah yeah

Rocky- Anyway are you guys gonna answer my question?

Ross: what question? *blushing very obviously*

Rocky: I think you know exactly what question I'm on about

Ross: no I really don't * blushing even more*

Rocky: The question was .... Have you asked her out yet?

Honestly Ross is so cute when he's embarrassed. I could see him tugging at the collar of his shirt struggling to get any words out.

Ross: well..... no

Riker: Well why don't you ask her out now?

Before me or Ross had time to say anything everyone began begging Ross to ask me out. Now I could feel my cheeks burning red.

Ross's PoV

Oh man. what do I do? I mean this is not how I imagined this. Sometimes I really hate my siblings. Okay think Ross think. Maybe I could still get out of this like I could change the topic or end the video chat.

Ross: *talking really fast* Um guys this isn't really how I imagined this so can we just move on. Ok how are you guys doing?

Rydel: Whoa your not getting out of this. I know you Ross you'll say this then you will never make it happen, so it's now or never.

Oh come on! Seriously... Well now what am I supposed to do? I can't just say no because then Rydel will start saying that things like "So you don't like Laura?" Or "Your not in love with her?" Because that's not true. I'm madly in love with her. Well I guess I better man up , like Rydel said it's now or never. I took a deep breath in and turned to face Laura. She looked back at me, I took hold of her hands and began to speak.

Ross: Ok *takes deep breath* Laura when I first met you I thought you were the most amazing person I've ever met. There are so many different ways I imagined this moment but I know it will be special because I'm with you. I know I'm not great with my words and describing how I feel but *holds Laura's hands tighter* here it goes. Quite a while ago I realised that I liked you more than just a friend ,you make me want to steal your heart and you make my heart beat so fast every time you look at me, and for a while I've been thinking What do I have to do? Because I'm crazy 4 u and you got me upside down every time you say my name. I'll be your superhero any day because I'm stuck on you and I think about you every moment everyday of my life your on my mind all the time it's true. But throughout this whole entire trip I never told you how much it would mean to me, if you would be mine. Laura.... I'm head over heels, absolutely, utterly, madly in love with you. And I know I haven't said this yet but i wanted the first time I did say it to be special. Laura, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?

I looked straight into her eyes and she looked back into mine, before she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. We stayed for a little while, everyone was quite only the occasional shuffle.

Laura: Yes

Ross: yes?*smiling really big*

Laura: Yes, a million times yes, and ....*pulled away from hug* I love you

We both stared into each other's eyes before we both began to lean in. As we got closer I slowly closed the laptop lid so the others wouldn't see us kiss. Just as the laptop clicked shut our lips met, it was incredible. We kissed for a while before we both pulled away. It was the best kiss I've ever had.

Authors note- Thanks for the 500+ reads, I hope you're all still enjoying the story :)

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