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I woke up from a great sleep which is weird. Ever since I met Brooke I've been having great sleeping tim where we before I usually would not sleep at all because of my nightmares but this week I haven't had any nightmares and I feel great.

Today my sister is coming to California. I'm so happy.

I get ready for work, jeans and a button up with some dress shoes.
I look great and feel great so I decide to take the audi.

I got done a little late so it's currently 6:45 and I'm only pulling into school now. As I step out of my car, I feel the eyes of the students on me so I put on my sunglasses, toss my hair back and walk into school, going straight to my class.

The bell rings and everone, including Beverly, is here which is a relief for me because I didn't want to reprimand anyone so early in the morning.

By the end of the day, I'm still happy. I give the class a quiz and it goes fine.
When the final bell rings I get a text from my sister saying they just landed. I smile and head out early, still smiling broadly but thar changes quickly when I walk into the parking lot and am taken by surprise at what waits for me.

The parking lot is empty except for 2 people. Beverly and someone else.

The girl I haven't stopped thinking about.

Brooke. She looks horrible from where I am, like she hasn't eaten or slept in days. Her arm is covered in a bandage and she had a black eye. Despite all that she still looks as gorgeous as ever.

I make my way over to them and instead of talking to Beverly, I stupidly decide to talk to Brooke knowing she's probably forgotten who I am. She hasn't noticed me walking up to her, which I suppose is good.

"Brooke?" she turns to look at me and gasps.

"Amy? Is that you?" it's now her turn to be shocked at my sudden appearance out of no where. I bet that out of all the possible ways we could have met again, she would never have predicted it would be at a high school.

"Yeah it's me. Are you okay. You look horrible." I say without thinking. I'm so dumb sometimes. She laughs a nervous and anxious laugh and glances at the entrance before turning her attention back to me.

"Wow thanks hey." she laughs and I see a hint of a smile so I know she's not serious.

"Brooke I don't mean it like that. You are the most beautiful person to ever walk this planet but you look miserable. Are you okay?" I step in, knowing I'm out of place, and whisper to her,
"Please be honest with me."

She glances at the entrance again so fast I barely notice it. Why does she keep checking the entrance?

"Yeah I'm fine its just been a long week." she says and yawns mid sentence.

"When was the last time you slept or ate?"

"Uhm I don't know mabye Sunday so yesterday basically." she says shrugging. Does she have no sense of time? It's not Monday.

"Jesus Brooke it's not Monday, it's Wednesday. I'm taking you home. Let's go, you and Beverly come on." I start walking to my car and realise they're not following me so I turn around.

Beverly is looking at Brooke and Brooke is glancing between the entrance and me. I walk towards them a few steps just so that I can talk to them.

"No I can't I'm sorry. We can't leave. She's coming to pick us up and if we not here then I'm scared of what she will do. So please, just leave before you make it worse for me."
Now I'm worried. Is that who hurt her? Her partner?

"She won't. I won't let anything happen to either of you, let's just go. You guys can eat and shower at my place. It's not far from here."

Suddenly an all to familiar car comes into view, driving dangerously until it parks right in front of where Beverly, Brooke and I were having a conversation.

"Let's go you two. In the fucking car now!" she doesn't even turn to acknowledge them, just barks the order and expects them to follow it.

Both of them move to go into the car but I put my hand in front of them to stop them and the look of pure terror and fear that crosses Brooke's beautiful face breaks my heart.

"Actually I needed to talk to Ms Wilson about Beverly over here." I say in my teacher voice, serious and monotone.

"No lady. We got places to be so they need to be in the car now or else so why don't you fuck off with your bullshit and let me take them home." she turned to me and smiled, showing yellow, crooked teeth, before glaring at Brooke who looked ready to get in the car to avoid trouble.

"You obviously don't get it." I said with a smile before moving my arm back against the sisters.
"They're not getting in the car so leave now because I'm pretty sure that abuse is illegal. So why don't you fuck off or else."

"Don't know what you're talking about lady." she's turned defensive. I'm hoping she doesn't get out of the car and actually force them in. She turns her attention off me and onto Brooke and Beverly.
"But if you two go with her, there will be hell to pay when you get back."

She drive off without another word, the worn out tired screeching against the tarmac.

"What the hell did you do Amy!?" Brooke turns to me, screaming at me. Jeez here I thought I was helping.

"Brooke, we'll talk about it later. You know the car, go to it. I need to talk to your sister." she grabbed the keys from my outstretched hand and walked to the car.

I turned to Beverly.
"on Monday, your neck, she did it didn't she?" she nodded "and your sisters arm and her face?" she nodded again.

Now I'm pissed. Who the fuck does she think she is hurting Brooke and Beverly like that. They are both innocent. Beverly is still in school.
Hurting anyone is never okay.

"It's okay Ms Johnson. You got rid of her for now. Thank you. Unfortunately you also got rid of our place to stay. The only reason Brooke stayed with her was because she had the money to take care of us."

I nod and we get into my car. I make sure everone has their safety belts on before I drive back to my house. All of us were silent the entire drive, the tension between Brooke and I thick enough to cut with a scissor.

When I pulled up to the house, Beverly got out and slammed the door while I opened for Beverly to get out of the backseat.

"Ms Johnson, you said this is your first year teaching. How the hell do you have a house that looks like this, an audi and a jeep?" she asks, staring at my house and cars.

Brooke smacks her head
"Language and that's nine of your business."

I laugh at Brooke hitting poor Beverly. "It's fine Brooke. Please call me Amy outside of school or when we're alone. I can afford this because I'm a trust fund kid. Oh and after this semester I'm no longer going to be your English teacher. I'm leaving." this catches Brooke's attention and she turns to me.

"You're leaving? You literally just got us kicked out so now we're homeless and you're leaving. I can't believe you. God why do I have to like such a selfish person!" she screams.

She likes me. Holy shit she likes me. Why me?I am selfish. I've heard these words all my life. The words make me think of what my mother told me years ago, but I brush it off and turn back to them.

"I'm not moving. I'm just quitting. Opening up a business. Plans are already in motion. And you are not homeless. I have 3 extra rooms, they are yours until you can get on your feet. And yes I am a selfish person now if you would excuse me I need to be alone." that last part came out way harsher than I intended.

"Amy I'm sorr-" I cut her off.

"It's fine. Here's my card, order some food. I'll be in my room."
With that I walked into my room.

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