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"Let's get some sleep and tomorrow we can go out."
"Fine by me but if I hear any funny business I'm out."
"Just take Ricky."
"Fine." I pull Brooke to our room so we can sleep. I'm exhausted.

"These rooms are amazing."
"Yeah they are." I open my bag and take out shorts and a tank top to sleep in.
"How are you so skinny and strong? I mean like you're very very toned. Almost a 4 pack. But when you wear clothes you look skinny."
"I used to work out. I trained at a gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday and at home every other day. Plus I eat healthy-ish."
"Explains alot."
"Let's go to bed." she jumps in and cuddles into me.
"I love you my Brookey baby." she laughs.
"I love you too."

We went out for breakfast the next morning.
"I want pancakes."
"Me too. Amy what do you want?"
"Pancakes is fine."
"Great. I'll go order. And I'm paying. No arguments."
"Fine. But I'm paying you back."
"No. Keep your money."
"Who said I was paying you back in cash?"
"Can you two shut up with the sex jokes."

Breakfast went great. We walked around for a bit and enjoyed DC. When we got back to the hotel we decided to watch TV.
"Netflix time."
"Yip. Let your sister choose something. I'm going to make popcorn."
"Fine. I'm coming to help. Brooke, choose something decent."
"Have fun you two."

I put the popcorn in the microwave and waited until it started popping.
"I want to give your sister a promise ring."
"That's so sweet. But why are you asking me?"
"You are her sister. Her only relative. I need your permission."
"That right there is why I'll give it to you. I'm younger than her. And I was your student but you seek my approval before you do this. You are an amazing person and we are both so lucky to have you in our lives. I already see you as my sister and you giving my sister a ring just makes us closer." I pull her into a hug.
"I love you."
"I love you too. I need details."
"Christmas day. I was going to get a room a few floors down and decorate it. And then at sunset I was going to get down on one knee and recite my speech to her. And if she says yes then I was taking her to bed and if she says no I was leaving."
"Was? Why was? And she will say yes dumbass. She loves you."
"Was because if you wanted to change it I would."
"There's that amazing person again. No. I love it."
"Thank you."
"Let's go before she starts looking for us."
"Grab the popcorn."
"Got it."

"What are we watching babe?"
"Gilmore girls."
"I love that show."
"Me too."
"Is this fine for you Bev?"
"Yeah it is."

We enjoyed a Gilmore Girls marathon and had some quality family time. Right now Brooke and I are in our room and Bev is in hers.
"That was nice."
"Yes it was. So about college."
"What about it?"
"Are you staying in the dorms or with me?"
"With you obviously."
"Okay baby. And what about your sister? Is she going to stay with us or in the dorms next year?"
"Whatever she wants."
"Okay. I know Chrisy is looking for someone to stay with in the dorms. Think she'll go?"
"Yeah. She loves Chrisy. They get along so well."
"Let's get some sleep."
"Good night babe."

I'm awakened by my phone ringing. Who the hell is phoning me in the middle of the night? I check my phone and see Chrisy. I answer it and step out so I don't wake Brooke up.
"Why the hell are you phoning me at one in the morning?"
"I thought you'd be up. But it's something important."
"So I'm at our parents right. And you know that from the beginning of break until like January the whole family stays here right?"
"Well Aunt Janice, dad's sister, saw us."
"I know who she is. What do you mean she saw us?"
"That day we went out together. She was also out and saw us. Obviously they all know Mum and Dad cut all ties with you. Anyway she blurted this out at dinner and now Mum and Dad want you to come to home for Christmas."
"I don't know. But please come as soon as you can."
"Fine. For you. We'll be there tonight."
I hung up and booked flights for 8pm tonight.
I packed my bags and Brooke's and went into Bev's room to do the same. Brooke slept through the whole thing but Bev woke up.

"Stealing your own stuff?" chuckling I say,
"No. I'm packing."
"Why? We only leave in a week."
"No. We leave tonight."
"My parents want me home and you two are coming with me."
"Look, I don't know what's up with you and your parents and it's not my place but I've never seen them so why are we going?"
"Chrisy asked me."
"I'll pack. Go back to my sister."
I nod and kiss her forehead.

I walked into our room and went back to sleep.

Waking up to someone poking you is not fun.
"Why are our bags packed?"
" 'Oh good morning and I'm sorry for poking you awake and I love you so much but why are put bags packed?'
That is how you should have started."
"I'm sorry and I love you. But why?"
"We going to New York. 8pm flight."
"No fight?"
"No fight."
"I love you."
"I know."
"Come here." I pull her into me.

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