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It's been 10 weeks.

Brooke and I have been dating 10 weeks and I have never been happier. They're still living with me so that there's no pressure to get back on her feet. Chrisy and I caught up and she convinced me to find a passion and follow it. I'm still thinking about that. The semester ends in 5 weeks and I am so happy about that. Today I'm telling Mr Taylor about me quitting.

Sitting here in Mr Taylor's office telling him I'm leaving is taking longer than I would have thought.
"If I'm being honest, I've wanted to leave since the first week. It's harder than I thought and I thought I would love teaching but I don't."
"So you staying until the end of the semester right?"
"It was a pleasure having you and I wish you well in the future."
"Thank you for everything." Now that that's done, as soon as school let's out, I will be unemployed. Now that school is over, I can head home to my girlfriend.

"Why can't you pick a song?" everyday after school, I drive Bev and I home. Everyday she can't pick a damn song. She'll start playing one and 5 seconds in change it. It's actually frustrating.
"I can't. I'll see a song and put it on and see another one I want to listen to more."
"I swear if you change it one more time, I'm taking your phone back."
She laughs and rolls her eyes. I'm not joking. The day I took the sisters on a shopping spree I bought them both cellphones and laptops. They needed them.


Pulling into the garage, I see my beautiful girlfriend waiting for me with open arms. She is so beautiful and perfect and I love her so much.
Hold up. Did I just say I love her?. Do I? Yes I do. I love her so much. But does she feel the same? What if she doesn't. What if I love her but she doesn't love me? But it's to soon right? I mean we've only known each other like 11 weeks so how can I love her. But even though it's only been 11 weeks, how can she love me? What if-
"Babe you okay in there? You just sorta spaced out after you parked."
"Oh yeah I'm fine. Long day is all."
"Okay come on let's go. I hope you don't mind but I borrowed your baby and used the cash you left to buy some ingredients. I made dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs."
"That's super sweet baby. Thank you."
I kiss her forehead and go in to wash my hands.

"Dinner was great baby. Thank you." I lean foward to kiss her. It turns into a makeout session over the table but it's cut short when Bev clears her throat.
"Right sorry. So you and Bev can go chill or whatever, I'll clear up."
"How are you so damn perfect?"
I lean in and kiss her again.

After I clear up, I head to my room to talk to Brooke about something.
I find her with her head in her hands and she's crying. Without hesitating, I run to her and pull her into me.
"What's wrong baby?"
"You haven't lied to me before, don't start now."
"Okay. Tomorrow is my mum and dad's death anniversary. It's going to be a year. I remember it like it was yesterday." I don't actually know the story behind this. I'm curious yes but it's hard to talk about so I didn't push her to talk about it
"They died in a car accident. A month away from my 22nd birthday. They were picking me up from a friend's house. It was a drunk driver. I should have walked home that day but no. I decided to call my parents." her eyes were watery. She took a deep breath and continued while I held her hand.
"It was late at night So Bev was still asleep. I got hurt in the accident. I woke up 3 days before my birthday to a nurse telling me I've been in a coma for 3 weeks and that my mother and father are dead. My girlfriend at the time, Cameron took us in. She worked although I'm pretty sure she dealt drugs. So she had the money to support us. The first year wasn't bad. But after that it got bad. She'd uhm she'd hit me for no reason at all. She never touched Bev. I would never let her. The only time she did was earlier in the semester. After I met you. I left her after that but she said I can't and she beat me. Then you saw me and here we are. There's some things my mum gave me the week before she died. It's not at her house thankfully. Everything I value is at a storage facility and I need to go fetch it." she's had it tougher than I would have imiganed. Why. She's literally perfect. She has the kindest heart of anyone I know.
"Here's what we'll do. Tomorrow is Saturday. I'll take you to get your stuff. I also heard that Chrisy is doing very well in school. So I was thinking of getting her her own car. Or you and her can share it. Whatever. When I inherited from my grandparents I got a few cars that they collected over their lifetime. I want to give one to her. Also how about next weekend you and me go away. Beach house? We can leave Bev with my sister sister. It'll be fun." Don't reject. Don't reject.
"Okay. But she can have it. I'm just taking the audi baby." She smiled and that smile could make me do anything.
"Also I want to know how you would feel about going to college?"
"Well I would love to. I actually got a full ride to UCLA to study medicine. I've always wanted to be a doctor but Cameron didn't allow me to go."
"Well I could pull a few strings and get you in from next semester if you'd like?" Advantages of having family in the business world.
"I can't ask you to do that. You've given us a home. You buy us whatever we need. You do everything for us. I can't let you pay for my studies. I'll get a job and pay it off that way."
"I never told you this, but my grandfather owned a company. A few actually. I still get that income. On top of his inheritance and his houses and his cars and my job as a teacher. So I have enough money. Plus I wouldn't be paying for it. The company would. So it's basically you just studying to get good grades."
"I don't know what to say. Thank you. For everything. Thank you Amy."
"You are most welcome. You deserve the world. I told you that I would give you whatever I can."
"Come on. Let's go tell Bev."


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