October 12, 2019
Christians struggle too, believe me. Sadly, the world watches on to catch for a moment to condemn us. It is not easy walking upright, being the "light in a dark world" but it is possible. It is possible for you too. I was where you were, once. You probably see me and think, "Haha! What sinful things could you possibly have done?" as if, I too, am not human; but you have no idea. I've probably done far worse things than you could think of. But it is not for you to go moping around my past; that's not why I say this. It is the fact that I have overcome. That I was dirty, filthy, disgusting and Jesus washed me. He gave me power to overcome. He gave me His strength. Jesus says the same way He has overcome the world, the same way He has given me power to overcome, is the same way you, too, can overcome the world. Won't you give Him a chance?
Sabbath Blessings 🌻
Little Notes
EspiritualA collection of little notes written on or for Sabbath mornings! "Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee." David, Psalm 119:11