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Des didn't try to stop Tae as he packed his bag and left the hotel room.

She sat on the edge of the bed in the scattered space, There was a dull emptiness, a sensation as if there were a gaping hole in her chest. This feeling was new. For the first time, she had given up.

Des was sick of constantly chasing Taehyung and trying to convince him that what they had was worth fighting for. 

A tear streamed from her eye before she drew her knees up to her chest and hid her face in her lap.

If he couldn't realise it, then she would stop trying so hard to make him see it. 

Desiree checked out of the hotel alone, asking reception to call her a taxi that would take her to the nearest bus station.

The young girls eyes glanced around feeling lost. Her fingers curled deftly around the handlebar of her duffle-bag, the weight of it bouncing against her bare legs.

She approached a run down ticket booth where staticky music buzzed quietly from a small radio inside. A gruff, be-speckled man roughly handed her a one-way ticket and grasped it with trembling fingers as he slid it under the glass partition. 

"Who's next?" the man shouted, jolting the girl from her daze. Des slunk away, blushing after realising that she'd been holding up the line.

'Des, you'll be fine.'

She thought about it. Honestly, how many years had she spent alone and single before she met Tae and life back then.... simple. She was happy.

She stared at the busses going by, a swirling feeling in the pit of her stomach made her feel as though she was going crazy.

'It's not that go back.'

She thought.

No, not when she'd gotten a taste of what love felt like. At least what she thought might've been love anyway. It didn't matter. It was over now. 

So quickly, and so easily. 

Her mind flashed back to the angry look on her boyfriend's face that morning and the swirling feeling grew worse.

Des felt betrayed. 

The bus that would start her journey back home to LongPalm ground its breaks to a halt right in front of where she stood.

She felt a small breeze on the humid air. It calmly feathered her curls against her face a bit before everything became a noisy rush and chaos again.

She glanced at a woman who brushed passed her, face heavily made up. There's silence, as the girl's heart drums in her chest and more people pile onto the bus ahead of her. A man in a suit brushes past as well, mounting the steps and talking to someone on a mobile phone at the same time. She could see the driver looking around in his massive rear-view mirror as if taking a head count and knew she had only seconds to get on or otherwise wait for the next bus in an hour.

An incredible amount of courage pushed her to make the first steps forward, then another. She handed the driver the ticket when suddenly, long fingers wrapped around her wrist from behind. 

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