idk a titel. just read it. its awesome

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hello kitty cats,  sooooo i totally love Creek and all, I just thought.....let's fking write a fanfic. If you have written a Creek fanfic, please tell me so I can read it, chances are I already did but yeah

anyways, enjoy I hope y'all like it

O p.s. I am Dutch so my grammar can be kinda crappy and all I hope you can forgive me

p.p.s check out my other stories xx

p.p.p.s i wanna just mention Pewdiechan because her story named 'Holding On' was the best story ever, I kinda stole Tweek's blindness from her ;)


 Soft screams were heard from downstairs as the 6 year-old hid under his blankets. He heard something get throws across the living room downstairs as he shivered and cried. Even though nothing of this was new for him, he was afraid. The little boy's parents were fighting a lot, it started when his mom wasn't in love with his dad anymore, and fell for another man. His dad found out and started drinking. Not having enough money to get a divorce, they were still together. Now, the young boy's dad was drunker(right?) than ever. He was furious. 

The boy heard the door open and he peeked from under his blankets to see his mom locking the bedroom door. He threw away the blanket at ran to his mom, he heard his dad storming up the stairs.

"We have to leave!"his mom picked him up and ran to the window. She opened it and looked down, realizing it was too high. A few feet from the window was a tree, there was a branch close enough to reach, but it was probably too weak to held them both. His mom kissed her son and set him on the branch. 

"Run"she whispered to him. Tears streaming down her face. "To grandma. Never return. Remember, mommy loves you" she watched as her boy climbed the tree to get to the stem.  He wrapped his arms it and waited for his mom to also climb up. But she didn't. Behind her the door swung open, his dad ran in and attacked his mom. Wrapping his hands around her throat. She tried to scream as she got pushed through the window. Finally, his dad let go of his mom...causing her to fall backwards through the window. The boy kept staring as he saw his mom hit the ground. He climbed down the tree as fast as he could and sat down on the ground next to his mother. 

"Run, sweetie. I love you...Craig"


Craig sat up in his bed. He was sweating and panting as he realized it had been a dream...again. He had this dream a lot, not because his own memory had made it up, but because it had really happened. He never told anyone he had seen it happen. After his mom closed her eyes forever, he had ran to his grandma's house in a different city. The boy was young, but had been there so many times that he exactly knew where it was. When the cops found his mom's body, his father had already ran off. Craig had lived with his grandmother ever since and never told her he had seen his mother die. 

Craig turned to his alarm clock, realizing he was late for school. He jumped out of his bed to his closet and threw on some clothes, he looked at himself in the mirror and put on his hat. Craig wasn't really that handsome or anything, he was....average. With everything really. He was a normal, down to earth boy. Pale skin, grey eyes, black hair, bags under his eyes, average high, average grades, average amount of friends....just average. He brushed his teeth and ran downstairs, his grandma not being home, he skipped breakfast and left. The bus was long gone, so he just walked to school. Not bothering to run, why would he, he was too late anyways. 

He arrived at school during lunch and sat down at his usual table, with his usual friends.

"Hey guys"he greeted. Token, Clyde, Kevin, Bradley and Butters looked up. He didn't like half of them, but they were friend anyways. 

"You're awfully late Craig!"Butters said. 

"I know that"Craig sat down and threw his bag on the ground. He forgot lunch and lunch money but it didn't matter because he wasn't hungry.

"Why?"Token asked, taking a bite of his sandwich. 

Craig shrugged. "Overslept"

"Did you had those nightmares again?"Kevin asked. Craig nodded a little.  He had told his friends how he always had nightmares, but he never told where they were about. He just lied and said he didn't remember.

 "About what?"Bradley asked.

"I told you, I never remember"he crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. He was tired and didn't feel like being around his pushy friends. "I'm gonna get a smoke"he got up and went to the back of the school.

This was his last year in South Park . He would, hopefully, graduate and leave this crappy town in the end of the school year. He never liked this little, mountain town. He like the city he had lived in with his parents, but couldn't remember what it was called and his grandma never spoke about it.

He leaned against a wall and lit his cigarette, he took a drag and watched the smoke escape his mouth as he exhaled. Through the smoke, he saw a blonde boy, around his age, sitting on the ground, petting a dog. The smoke disappeared and Craig looked carefully at the boy. He was sitting with his back  to Craig, so he didn't see his face.  Craig took another drag and started walking to the boy. 

The dog looked at Craig and barked, the blonde boy jumped a little and whispered: "Who's there?"


 This is where i'm gonna end this chapter, lemme know what you think about it 


 p.s. lemme know if you know a titel....because im really bad at that shiz

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