Tag No.1 Part 2

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(2nd part of the tag)

10 things about you?
1) I watch TV with subtitles.
2) I have a white and black cat.
3) I'm (pretty much) introverted.
4) I have blue eyes.
5) I'm a book addict.
6) I'm grade 6 piano (I started late) ABRSM.
7) I used to be bilingual and left handed.
8) I love art (not just creating pieces, but admiring them too).
9) When glass windows steam up, sometimes I write lyrics or lines of poetry on them.
10) I have trouble falling asleep.

Tell a joke?
Hmmm... Okay then.

Q: What do you call a fake noodle?

A: An impasta!


This is why you should be glad that I don't tell jokes.

Umm, I'm writing a couple of stories that I'll definitely release next year. I'm also writing a story on the group account SoulHealers  with my friend iamverda357 .

Thanks for reading and I hope that you all have an amazing day!


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