Tag No.2

44 13 7

I was tagged by Kailucy .

1. Nickname?
Welp, I'm kind of paranoid so I won't share my actual nickname, but you guys can call me Cat if you want.

2. Eye colour?

3. Hair colour?
Brunette/dark blonde

4. One fact about you?
I used to do ice skating (recognised on a national level - but infamous).

5. Favourite colour?
I'm super indecisive, but for now I really like navy blue.

6. Favourite place?
Probably my bed. I really love Iceland and Austria though (if I had to pick countries). Although, I have to admit that I'm a sucker for libraries, so my local bookstore comes at a close second.

7. Favourite celebrity?
Ummm... I don't know. There are some music artists that I like and some scientists and journalists that I admire, but I don't really have one favourite. I guess it would probably be an author or an artist.

EDIT: Okay, now it's Daniel Howell. Or maybe Hank or John Green. (Spoiler alert: I'm still indecisive)

8. Favourite animal?
Cats because mine is *freaking* adorable.

9. Favourite song?
I cannot possibly choose. But at the moment I really like this sad cover of Mr. Sandman by SYML, Helena by My Chemical Romance and Colors by Halsey.

Edit: Reading this back, I'm so indecisive. I'm going to leave my favourite song as Mr. Brightside by The Killers but my favourite band is My Chemical Romance.

10. Favourite book?
I love so many books, it's hard to choose. My favourite books are probably The Fault in Our Stars, The Book Theif and Anna Dressed in Blood (which deserves wayyyy more credit than it gets) but there's a few others that I think deserve more recognition. Such as The Travelling Cat Chronicles, which is one of the most beautiful books I've ever read. My most favourite book would probably have to be The tattooist of Auschwitz which is an entire different level of beautiful and emotional.

I've still got so many more books to read though, so I'm withholding judgment.

EDIT: I'm so indecisive you can actually tell that I'm a Libra. My favourite book is The Travelling Cat Chronicles and I'm leaving it like that. 😂

Tag 20 people?
And lose 20 followers? If anyone wants to be tagged, just tell me (comment or PM) and I'll be happy to.


I hope that you all have a great day/evening! Xx

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