I Don't, 3

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Asia Nelson.

Getting up from the bed, I looked down at my phone, noticing I had a miss call from my best bitch Jessica. I called her back, putting her on speaker as I did my makeup.

"You was sucking dick?" She answered the phone.

"Nah, but you fasho smoking dick." I laughed.

"No, bitch, but anyways," she dragged the word, causing me to shake my head. "You heard from August?"

"No. It's been a good week now. I drove by his house and he had some hoe knocking on his door with her child."

"And I oop. Bitch lemme find out he got three kids."

"Three? Bitch, yo baby ain't even real."

"So what. I had that bitch Sarah shook." She replied.

"Don't even bring her up. She's all he talks about. Sarah this, Sarah that, like damn he still talking about that dead bitch. Do I need to die in order to get that nigga to act right."

"Shit, probably. Anyways, I was calling to see if you wanted to hang out. I was going to the club later on."

"Peter won't get mad?" I queried.

Lord know I didn't want that nigga on my head. He might be nice to others, but if you work for him, you see a whole different side of him. He's almost like the damn devil.

"That man don't run me. I work for that man and that's it."

"You're also giving him white women's coochie on the low." I retorted.

"You're right and he's giving me big black dick on the high, while his bitch watching." She gloated like that's something to be proud of.

"You're a hoe." I shook my head at her disgusting ass.

"Birds of a feather, flock together. Remember how we met, bitch. You was eating my pussy while Peter fucked you."

"I'm a changed hoe." I laughed.

"Yeah bitch. I might need to come through to you and have you tongue fuck again. Peter all up Stacey's ass again and ain't hit my line in four months."

"Hate you, bitch." We laughed. Once I was done with my makeup, I laid back in my chair. "I'll go out tonight, but bitch you better be ready on time."

"I will. 12:30."

"That means we'll only have a hour and a half to act up."

"So what. 12:30, okay?"

"I guess." I agreed. We talked for a few more minutes before saying our goodbyes.

As I was about to exit my room, my phone began to ring. I back tracked to my phone looking down at the name that popped up.

August 💦

I smirked. Picking up my phone, I cleared my throat to put on a fake voice. Answering the phone, I put it to my ear. "Hello?"

"What's up?"

"Oh, nothing, just got done talking to one of my clients. How you been? It's been at least a month since we've talked."

"Yeah, ma bad. I wasn't tryna purposely ignore you or some shit. I just had some shit ta deal with." He answered making me roll my eyes.

This nigga ain't dealing with shit. Everybody lost someone before. He crying over a bitch for no reason.

"It's fine. I've been busy at the office. One of my clients relapsed some days ago and I've been on a mission to get her back together." I lied.

I Don't (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now