I Don't, 5

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August Alsina.

"Where we going?" Christian asked for the fifth time.

He act like his irritatin ass mama with all these damn questions. If it ain't whea we goin, it's whea we bout ta eat at or who all gone be thea. Like damn, enjoy the ride and shut up fa a couple minutes.

"Fuck I just say? I'm not gone say it again, I said pack ya bags, not question me." I said sternly.

He pouted, walkin away from me ta go pack his bags.

Runnin ma hands down ma face, I groaned already knowin I was gone have ta apologize ta him later. Christian inherited a lot of Sarah's traits. Being emotional is one of them. Fa a growin lil boy, I needed him ta stop cryin at every single thing. He could hit his knee inna wall, he cryin. Got diarrhea, he cryin. Flu, he cryin. He need ta hurry up and grow outta that shit. He gone cry, understandable, but at every little thing? No, nigga. I couldn't take it and that shit drove me crazy.

Sighin, I continued ta pack ma bags befo I had a call. Grabbin ma phone from the dresser. I seen the incomin call from Sierra. I slid the icon over ta answer the call.

"Hey, ma." I said.

"How you doin baby?" She asked. "I never called after your session with your therapist, so how was it?"

Groanin, I took ma time answerin the question. "It was aight."

"Is aight good or bad?"

"Aight is I don't wanna talk about it." I unintentionally snapped.

"August, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Ia tell you when I drop Christian off." I mumbled.

She sighed and I knew she was shakin ha head ta refrain from sayin some shit ta me. "Alright, I'll see y'all when y'all get hea."


We said our goodbyes and I quickly hung up. I was in no mood ta deal with anyone. My plan was go ta Houston, get ma lady and head back hea. I ain' got time fa no side interactions or distractions.

Since we were drivin thea, I was tryna leave as early as possible. That's sixteen hours from Atlanta ta H-Town and a nigga ain' tryna be out all damn day.

"I'm done packing, August." Christian said. I knew he was a bit scared of me seein how he called me August and not daddy or dad.

"Come hea, man." I motioned fa him ta come in the room. Once he stood directly by ma bed, I gave him a hug. "Look hea, yungin, I ain' mean ta snap and cuss at chu. I'm stressed out and I let ma emotions get the best of me. I apologize fa scarin you and making you sad. That's ma fault, man. Can you fagive me?"

He nodded his head, but didn't smile. "Yeah."

I sighed. "You ready ta see grandma?"

"Yeah. Am I spending the night?"

"Yeah. I gotta go out of town fa something, but I'a be back in two weeks, okay?"

He pouted. "How I supposed to talk to you then?"

"I'a call. Come on, man, you know I can't go a day without talkin ta you." I grabbed him, puttin him in a little headlock.

He screamed, punchin ma arms. "Let me go!"

I let go, laughin at him. "Gone man."

He threw his hood on, slumpin his body down a lil. "Don't do that no more, blood."

"Who the fuck taught you that?!" I yelled, gettin off the floor.

He laughed, "My uncle."

I shook ma head, "That nigga crazy."

I Don't (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now