Chapter 7: Days pasts

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"Daddy!" I yell running after my dad laughing. "Come and catch me little red," he says back. I run as fast as I can after him with my tiny legs.

He runs around the corner. I have to stop and catch my breath and kept on running. I run around the corner and don't see him. "Daddy?" I walk around in my bare feet. The air seemed cold. I couldn't see much, I'm so short.

I walk further in the backyard. I get up on the back portch. "Daddy?" I scan the yard. I see the swing set and there he is laying on the ground? And I see another boy with red hair looking down at him. I walk over and see blood. I stay a meter away.

The boy body had scars and blood on his face. My body freezes as I look at him and my father. "What did you do?" I said my voice was trembling. He just stares at my dad as if in shock. I hear my mom open the door and seeing my dad and the boy. "MOM!!" I yelled pointed at the boy. The boy ran and I ran to my mom. I cried into her arms.
I wear a black dress as they lower my dads body into a deep grave. I hold no expression, I feel no pain or sympothy for my father. I feel numb, my mom pulls out a flask and chugs the whole thing.

We walk back to the car, my mom holds an angry sad face. I just hold a stright face looking at the seat in front of me.

We get back to the house. I walk inside holding my moms hand. She brusts open the door and stomps into the kitchen. I close the door and take off my shoes. Mom is still wearing her heals tracking in mud and dirt. I walk twords the hall, and my mom glares at me.

She has chuged half of a sake bottle. "Do you even care that your father was murdered!" She yells at me. "Your father was a kind harted FUCKING MAN AND YOU WALK BY LIKE YOU DON'T FUCKING CARE YOU LITTLE BITCH!!"

My mom comes over and shoves me. I stumble back. She yells at me when I run to the kitchen. My mom chases after me half drunk bearly keeping up with me. I go and pull out the biggest knife in the kitchen. I hold it up. She snatches it and cuts my wrist deep. I scream loud, blood runs down my hand. She held up the knife and went to stab me. I held up my hand to block but nothing happened. I look up and see my blood as a shelid and the knife made a tiny hole.

Did I do this!? How!? Is this my quirk!?

I think of my blood coming back to a liquid form and it does. I smack the knife out of her hand with my blood. I make a blade and stabbed her. She falls to the ground, the blood runs back into my arm and the cut slowly fades.

I look at my mom body as she bleeds out. "Oh my god what did I do?" I say to myself. I run to my parents room and open the bedside table and see the box that was ment for me for my 15th birthday. I pull it out and open it and see a black knife with a blue designs along it. I hold it tight and run out of the house.

I needed to get out of the city. I need to hide.
The sun is setting and it's 3 years of running away and i'm wanted by the police. I've gotten good at hiding and blending in. I cut all of my hair with a piece of glass I found in an alley way. The knife is still with me, it never leaves my side.

I stole some clothes through the storage room of a store. I threw them in a dumpster and were never found. I've gotten use to my quirk and would pratice in the alleys.

I sit on the roof as the wind russles through the air. I play with my knife as cars honk by and there's shuffling behind me. I snap my head back and a very familiar boy stands there. I stand up, holding my knife tight. It was the boy that murdered my father.

"It's you," I said ready to attack. His hair is still red but darker and has scars under his eyes and near his mouth. He stays slient. "Why are you here?!" I yell at him. "Police are looking for you," he says.

I look at him surprised. "I know that but why are you here?! Why did you kill my father?!" He shrugs. "Your father wasn't the person you thought he was."

I growl at him getting angry. "What the hell are you talking about?!" He pulls out a knife and throws it on the ground. My dads blood is still on it after so many years. "This was from your kitchen and I killed him because he was gonna kill you that night." He throws journal and it flops open to a page with my name accross it saying; FLARE MUST DIE!! TONIGHT!!! MY WIFE WON'T MISS HER!!!

"That's not my fathers hand writing. You're lying you just wanted to kill him!!" He steps forward. I slit my wrist and hold a spear to his throat stopping him. He closed his eyes as if surrendering. I put my arm down he opens his eyes.

He walks forward and kissed me. He steps away I blink and he's gone. I dropped my knife as I realize everything that my father had done to me over the years. Abuse, yelling, throwing knives, being locked in the basement for a week.

No, no, no, nonononono! How could of I forgotten? What the hell!
I throw myself forward holding my knife. Dabi looks at me. Both of us on the train going to the island. I have to catch my breath. "You okay Flare?" He asked confused. I'm sitting accross from him.

I jump over to his seat and hug him. "Babe you okay?" I dig my head into his shoulder and shake my head. He pulls me close. He lays his legs on the long chair and moves me between his legs. The curtians are closed. He pulls down his zipper of his pants. Of course he's hard.

I lean down and his boner flings out on me. I smirk and I lick his dick all around then shove it deep in my mouth. I bob my head up and down tucking my hair behind my ear. He moans as I suck it and grabs my hair.

I go faster until he cums into my mouth. He grabs my chin opening my mouth. He push my chin back up making me swallow it. He pushes me to the other side of the bench.

"Its gonna be a long night babe isn't it," Dabi asks with a grin. I nod, "Yes, yes it is."

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