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Jennie POV

I have been go out to my apartment to buy some food, but when I got out, I heard a familiar voice of a woman who was shouting my name.

When I turned around, I didn't saw anyone running toward to me so I get back in what I'm going to.

Then when I got in market, I buy some foods, and I was about to go in counter when I saw Mr. Kai sitting at the bench while calling someone in his phone.

I went near to him and offer a hot coffee on him.

When he looked at me, he suddenly hold my hand so tight.

"Did you saw Lisa?." he asked.

"Huh? No why? Is she here with you?." I asked.

"Lisa was here and desperately looking for you, she is crying at night. Please go back to her now." he begged.

"Mr. Kai, I can't do that." I said and I was about to leave him, but he suddenly tighten his grip on my hand.

"I lost Lisa here in Busan, and if something happen to her I would never forget and accept this." he seriously said.

Wait, Lisa is here? So she is the one who was calling my name a minute ago.

I want to cry but I keep stopping my tears to fall down.

"Isn't my fault if you lost her, I already told her that we're done and don't looked out for me, but she was too stubborn, so it wasn't my fault." I blankly said.

"Pleas—." he suddenly got stopped when someone drag him.

He keeps reaching my hand but the girl keeps pulling. When I turned my head to that girl, I'm really disappointed in what I said. Lisa keeps pulling him out with her while her tears stuck in her eyes.

I bit my lower lip on the side and my tears flow down onto my cheeks.

"Lisa, wait I'm begging her to stay with you until Christmas please let me go, this is the only chance to accept my apology." he tried escaped on Lisa but Lisa didn't let him go.

God, I'm really bad person.

Lisa POV

"Lisa let me go." I let him go.

He was about to go to Jennie again and begged but I pull his arm again and I shouted him but he never listen to me.

"Can you....."

"... P-please stop begging into someone who can't really stay with me Kai, she will never come back to me, and I already accept the fact. Even you tried to begged and cry in front of her, she will never change her mind. You just looked like a trash bag and a loser begging up on her for me." I started to cry again and he hugged me so tight.

"Don't lose your hope Lisa, she will comeback, I'll promise." he keeps trying his best to go and talked to Jennie.

"Please..." I looked down while crying.

He hugged me, and he rubbed my back to calm me down.

"Let's go home." I decided and he nodded.

I glanced back where Jennie sitting and she's still there.


And she already looks nothing to me.

Kai opened the door at the back seat, and he start the engine to leave.

"Ate you okay?." he worriedly said while driving.

"Yes i am." I blankly said while looking at window.

"Deep inside, I'm not okay, I'm dying inside."

"You should sleep now, we might get back to Seoul tomorrow."

"Okay." I said.

Am I going to be happy without Jennie?..

Maybe not.

Maybe yes..

I don't know.

Maybe I'll tried to move on, even I'm all alone on Christmas.

Or I'm not?.

Okay, I guess I need to forgot her, starting tomorrow.

[✔]Marrying My Enemy (Book 2)▪️JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now