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Lisa POV

Christmas was done, and I was completely made my decision that I will go back in Seoul.

Then I will go back in our company, and keeps the only thing that I have.

"Are you sure sweetie?." My mom hold my hands.

"Yes, I already think about that, and instead of doing nothin', I'm going to manage the company again." she hugged me and pecked my cheeks.

"Go on now, into your new journey, have a safely trip sweetie." my mom smiled. "take care."

Before I hopped in my car, I saw Kai running towards to me.

"Be careful Lisa." He said.

"Are you not going back with me?." I asked.

"I will followed you back later, I still have one thing to do here." He said and smiled.

"Okay, I will take care myself from now on." I put my seat belt on when I get inside.

Last night, was the best, because he took care of me, like what Jungkook was doing when I'm sad.

Flashback :Last night.

"Hey, you know that you reminds me of my childhood friend Jungkook." I said while I was in his shoulder.

"You mean, that stinky rabbit?, he was to arrogant when I met him in the hospital."

"Hey, don't say that to him, he might be scare you this night." I tried to scare her by Jungkook's soul.

"Nah, stop scaring the hell out of me." I chuckled.

"Aren't you scared?." I asked.

"I'm not, there's nothing else to be afraid of." he bravely said.

"Well, we're talking about him, and might beat you up in his dreams." I jokingly said.

"Nah, jungkook was a kind man." He said.

"Is that so?, what if he was mad right now?."

"Why?, I didn't even do anything to him." He was confused.

"Jungkook likes me a lot, and you're here letting me sleep in your shoulder. He must be thinking, that if you're the one who died instead of him, he might be the one in your position right now."

He pushed me, and stood up.

"What a nice joke, wierdo." He said.

"Do you think I'm joking? You loser." I laughed.

He storm out of my room, and I was laughing really hard.

End of Flashback.

I sighed and looking for the way to airport.

I'm going to spend my time working and being all alone.

I'm all alone.

Without her.

Jennie POV

Silence and peaceful.

The room wasn't that kind of noisy like I used before.

Reading some books that Lisa brought, when we're still together.

Even I hate reading, I keep reading it because I always think that she was here with me, sleeping at my lap.

I'm used to looked at that person I love, while I'm reading the book she gave for me.

I miss her.

"Babe?." I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Hm?." I hummed and turn around on him.

"Are you not going to eat your breakfast?." he asked while holding a tray for me.

"I'm not hungry."

"Can you stop reading books okay?, you might got blurred." he worries.

"I don't want to." I refuse.

I heard him sighed and went over me to throw off my book.

"You don't love reading books, right?." he said and throw my book into the trash can.

"Anyways, I was wondering, why you don't want me to introduce in your parents?." he asked.

"And i already claim you to that freaking lesbian." he added.

"Can you stop talking about her." I freaked out.

He didn't say something and get out of my room.

I picked the book her thow, and continued reading until my tears flow down when I read the painful sentence.

"I'm already inlove with someone."

Dammit, I wish this is wasn't true.

I wish Lisa wouldn't found someone.

I wish Lisa can still love me, even we got separated.

My phone suddenly rang.

"Hello?." I answered the phone.

"Mandu, it's me Jisoo."

"Oh, why did you suddenly call me?." I asked.

"I just want to tell you that I'm going back to Seoul, I'm not happy here in New Zealand." she unhappily said.

"Okay, be safe unnie." I said and she ended the call without replying me.

I sighed and go back to what I'm reading.

Jisoo POV

After I call Mandu, I'm already in Airport.

I'm already sitting at the chair inside of the airplane.

It's already to leave the path.

I missed everyone in Seoul, even my life there.

Should I say, I miss my chipmunk too?.

My feelings for her was unforgettable.

Unbeatable and unbreakable.

Holding her picture with me, it can't make me stop smiling.

I miss my chipmunk so much.

But what if I get there.

Should I hugged her?

Should I apologise to her?

Or should I continue what we used.

Grabbing of my headphones and play the music, that we used to sing.


I love you Chipmunk.

I hope, you still love me.

[✔]Marrying My Enemy (Book 2)▪️JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now